And her little goffic dungeon on the net...

Or the *fun* life of a TS cybergoth grrl!!!...

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a transgendered help page

A bit about me...

  • Name: Katherine Siobhan Magdalene Bone
  • Born: 16th October 1972 (hehheh now you've no excuse not to send me a birthday card !!!)
  • Birthplace: Dryburn Hospital, Durham, England
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 10 stone
  • Eyes: sort of a greeny hazely colour and quite big (I like my eyes...)
  • Hair: Black and sort of wavy naturally, down past my shoulders. On the left I've got a shorter undercut which is dyed dark purple. Occasionally I do silly things with my hair like crimp it, backcomb it, and put purple and white extensions in it...
  • Piercings: 15 at the moment!!! 5 in each ear, 2 in my nose, 1 in my upper lip, 1 in my tongue, and 1 in my navel...
  • Favourite colour: Purple 'cos black isn't really a colour
  • Interests: Writing, Philosophy, making Blackberry wine, Clubbing, Gothyness, Snakebite and Black...
  • Favourite TV show: Monty Python's Flying Circus.
  • For serious stuff on what I study / My qualifications click here
  • Eeek!!! And guess what... some people in their divine wisdom would apply terminology to me and refer to me as a transsexual Whatever the limitations of that terminology, here's the medical viewpoint.

    Links to my other pages

    The Photo Gallery Pictures of me and some of my friends...
    Kat's music links page Links to gothic, industrial, and other music pages.
    ...and now for something completely gothic...
    Kat's film links page Links to some of my favourite flicks...
    Kat's transgendered links page My favourite transgendered links on the net.
    Kat's Kinky Links!!! Stretch... Squeak....
    Friend's homepages Some of my friends on the net...
    Homebrewed... My famous recipe for Blackberry and Elderberry wine...

    This site is still under

    So occasinally you'll find a link that doesn't really lead to a page


    Coming soon....
    • More photos of me and my friends...
    • More waffle about myself including my 'statement to the world!'...(sounds ominous...)
    • Creative Pages!...if I get my lazy ass in gear, that is...

    ....erm...that's about it for now...See ya later!!!

    Give me money!
    Give me sex!
    Give me food
    and net access!

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    This site was last updated on 10th June 1997

    Comments?...Suggestions?...Why not fe-mail me.