Last updated on Saturday, August 7, 1999

See our photos from the
1999 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras
Just click here



Pleased as we are to see you here, we are also aware that in some less enlightened places around the globe our pages would be considered a criminal offence merely because we, as a couple, can be seen as happy!

Because we are happy and refuse to pretend otherwise this "public display" would be deemed a potential recruitment risk to young people. Lawmakers in those places seem to think some young heterosexual will be so taken by our "lifestyle" that they will go jump the fence into Big Gay Al's Big Gay Land. Yeah, if!

If you live in such a place, and you are under the legal limit, you are not supposed to read any further. If you live in such a place you also have our sympathies.

Take care, and be true to yourself and your dreams because life will be FANTASTIC!


What you can do and see from here

The Who Are We? page Rather self-explanatory don't you think? No? Alright, in here you will find out about us, our families and our friends.

The D&G Update page Hopefully an efficient way to end Grant's endless emailing (fat chance!) - this will sometimes update.Last update: 7 August 1999

As It Is... A brief explanation of this site and what we hope to achieve with it.

The Prahran page A brief guide to Melbourne's own boyztown - what it looks like, the venues, the shops and the gay community resources
Contains links to other sites and places of interest.

The Rebecca and Shannon page See why we think we are the luckiest Uncle's in the World.

The Indonesia page Our small tribute to a country that has given us many fond memories over several trips
Contains a photo gallery, map, travelogue and links.

The Australia/New Zealand page A few of our shots (and a few stolen from the web) from places we have visited in Australia and New Zealand.

Grant's Resume page Contains the skills, work history, education and personal details of Grant in chrono-
functional format and US writing style (sorry guys...but I HATE writing in that manner!).

Dale's resume page Dale says he doesn't need a resume because he's happy at work and just got a promotion...

How to contact us Email us at:

If you have the time, why not read a paper from part of Grant's MBA that looks at a current workplace issue for G&L employees and their Companies

Just click on the image to go to the page.

You are Visitor number

since we started counting the stupid things.

If you like graphs - and who doesn't? - take a look at our visitor profiles!
(Sorry, that was Engineer Grant unable to help himself - 90% confidence intervals...what the hell are they???)

We applaud the Disney Company because they both support
religious freedom and treat their gay employees like human beings.

Disney aren't giving "Special Rights" - they are giving equal pay for equal work.

Some have asked... this site is designed for Netscape 3.0+ and 16 squillion colours (24 bit).
The site should look OK in MS IExplorer and 16 bit colour.

At 256 colours (8 bit) the photos look dreadful (sorry, not much we can do about that!). We have deliberately chosen to design and restrict everything to a 640x480 format - if your monitor is set on 800+ wide you will see a blank band running down the right hand side of the screen but the pages should still be correctly aligned. You need no fancy fonts, just Times New Roman and Arial. There are no plug-ins required, and you will not be "treated" to any of those delightful frames... No noises, no moving gifs...

Find your way around our site.
Home Page
Who Are We?
D&G Update
As it is...
Welcome to Prahran
Rebecca & Shannon
Our Families
Our Friends
Indonesian holidays
Local holidays
Grant's resume
Work from Grant's MBA
Dale's resume
Resource list
Email us!

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Copyright © 1997, 1998 to Grant & Dale at All Rights Reserved.
New format posted January 13, 1998
This page revised 18 August 1998