Hi my name is Brenda, I am a 28 yr. old lesbian. My
interests include bowling, fishing, reading, auto
mechanics and spending time with my girlfriend of 7
yrs. Margaret is 40 yrs. old. Her interests
are oil
painting, cooking and gardening. She is the best
thing in my life. I love her very much.
Stop by and visit her website if you have time. I make my living by building patio
doors and casement awnings,it's hard work but I
really enjoy it. I also like tattoos, I have two right now and plan to get at least two more. I hear people say all the time that tattoos don't hurt, and I'll agree with them to a point. It feels kind of like a rug burn while you get it done, but if you get one on a major muscle, about 5 hours after the tattoo you'll get a cramp that you won't soon forget. Well that's my experience anyway.
Please feel free to take your time and explore this
site. If you are new to HTML there are some links on
my homepage help page, most of them are in my
favorites and used daily. I will be adding to this
list so if it's not here now it might be later.
Well, if you came here for anything specific there's
a table right below this to help you navigate your
way through my site. Come back often to check out
what I will be adding, if you don't you just might
miss something good.
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