That is all you will find of young guys...Muscular, athletic, twinks...thats it! Thanks for stopping by and being visitor number
If graphic pictures of young males or males in general offends you, then you shouldn't be here...
This page will be updated every periodically and I will cycle the pictures so that there should always be something new. Yes, there was an initial influx of images every day, but that was simply to get things up and running. Now, I will take my time and pick some really good images. Make sure you "refresh" your browser to make sure you get the most up-to-date copy. So, without further adue.... last updated this page on July 26, 1998.
My Backgrounds Part 1...Added July 26, 1998
My Backgrounds Part 2...Added July 26, 1998
My Backgrounds Part 3...Added July 26, 1998
Group Action...Added September 29
Athletes...Added June 15
Big Men On Campus...Added May 18
Underwear Wonders...Added May 4
A Few More Muscles...Added April 10
Little Men With Big Packages...Added March 30
Greg's Homepage...the guy is back! Also seen in the links below, Greg is back with a personal homepage. Now, all Ihave to do is find Greg pics for my page :-)
Alienation...a neat site with some really nice photos and stories.
Greg's Galleries...a good site. Greg was recently photographed by Badpuppy and his GREAT looking photos can be found here. There are free ones (g-rated) and *better* ones (subscription needed).
SMaQ.COM -- Great for links!
Badpuppy -- an AWESOME site...
Men On The Net -- a great index of sites...
Naughty Linx -- another awesome listing of sites...set up like Yahoo
infoQueer -- An electronic informational service for the LGBTQ community
Fredrik's HomoPage
Robby's Home Page
I am always looking for new pics :) E-Mail them to me here at Or, just send me your comments....I would love to hear them.