heather's Little Oasis and place where I can go to get a little quiet time.

HI and Welcome!

I have had to make some major changes to this site so please excuse the mess.

Hi, my name is heather.

My primary account is rrheath at hotmail dot com

I like to wear soft lingerie, pleated skirts and crinolines. My favourite web site is PETTICOAT POND

I am a closet'ed CD with T? tendencies. (I don't know what T? is, however.)My biography outlines my story. It is basically very confusing trying to figure out who and what I really am or want to be. GENDER MOSAIC has been very helpful to me, especially, Linda and Carol. Carol has provided me with som some guidance.

My prime contact over the past year has been Carol. We talk a lot and I have learned a number of things from her. It is good to have a friend to confide in. Thanks, Carol!

I would love to talk to anyone in the area, especially if you are T?. I want to know more about how I am feeling and want to ensure that I don't get myself into something that I will regret.

Take a look at my biography. I updated it Apr 4, 2009.

Take a look at my favourite links.

Thanks for stopping by. You are guest # since Jan 02, 1998


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