Welcome to Rene's Little World!

Hello and welcome, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Rene Sydney, and I live in a harbourside suburb of Sydney, Australia. I am also a
male-female transgender, (a.k.a. male crossdresser)

Disclaimer: This site primarily deals with crossdressing and trans-genderism. If this shocks you at all, or you are under the age of 18 or the legal age in your state or territory, please hit your back button now.

The past 10 years have been the best ever as Rene, or other- wise. I came out to my family and they welcomed me more than I could have hoped! I've been getting out and about with my sister and my friends. Pictures are here?
You can read a bit more about me on my
BIO page, stroll through my Galleries, or sneak a peek in my Diary.

I also have some serious words about my cancer experience in my "Big C" file, not a whole lot of laughs but very informative.


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I have made many wonderful friends at TG Gallery chat rooms, too many to mention,
and they have all helped and encouraged me, more than I can express in words

Would you like to hear my voice?
Just click on the play button

Site Update: September 2007

Socially I've been very quiet of late, but I'm re-emerging from my shell. I've managed to step out the door for some sight-seeing and a bit of retail therapy..lol...I have some new picture galleries:

My Latest pics!

More new pics!

My Apologies! You may have tried unsuccessfully to access my site and seen the following message.

Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable!
The web site you are trying to access
has exceeded its allocated data transfer.

Yahoo/Geocities is slowly restricting access to sites that were previously free, and paradoxically, I have tried to up-date to a paid site, but cannot since I am not in the U.S! Is anyone from Geocities listening??
I've tried to manage the traffic so-to-speak and I've moved some of my busiest Gallery pages "offshore"

In case of shutdown please bookmark and try these alternate addresses

http://www.geocities.com/renesydney/ http://www.geocities.com/renesydney1/ http://www.koolpages.com/renesydney/

Here are my pages

My studio session pics.

My other photo Galleries

All about me, likes, dislikes, my story

See what I have been getting up to!

A girl can't get by without her friends!

A few words and links to TG sites

Links to some favourite TG sites

The worlds most beautiful Tgirls in Fur

Some tips for a femme voice.

If you think it's all showtunes,
you're saadly mistaken!

Some serious words about my
experience with cancer.

A tribute to the most
beautiful women in the world

Links to other TG sites on the Web

A wonderful group of the classiest
TG's around,  the main Vanity Club
site has pics and links to hundreds
of gorgeous TG's.

Seahorse Society of NSW.
A support group for TV's,
CD's and their partners,
based in Sydney.

The Australasian Good Tranny Guide.

A great guide for the Aussie TG's links to
support groups, doctors, places to shop

TG Chat (formerly TG Gallery)
A great place for a chat, my 2nd home!

Tranny Radio
A great contact and information
site for Australian TG's, with Tranny
Egroups, a free email contact group.

A cute cartoon of me, by Rachael,
one of the Vanity Club girls

If you have any comments or suggestions,
feel free to sign my new, updated guestbook.
You can view my older guestbook pages

No smutty comments or site advertising, please..

I would love to hear from you, so drop me a she-mail!

© 1997 rene_sydney@hotmail.com

Counter lovely people have visited me so far

Hope to see you again,
Rene Sydney