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I have always been fasinated by the WEB, ever since I first started using the NET back in 1992. Before everyone went crazy with it. I found a lot of useful information from people about Transgendered issues and decided to let other people read about my transition in hopes of helping other people. Quite a lot of people so far has Fe-Mailed me that they really enjoyed reading my dairy and that it resembles so close to their own lives. 

I will try to update my links to the best places possible for resources for the T's community. 

If your in Ottawa area and need a support group contact Gender Mosaic in Ottawa Ontario, Canada 

If your in Kitchener/Waterloo area and need someone to talk too, just E-Mail me and we can chat or meet somewhere.

I have a section called COMING OUT Stories, where I put how I told my parents about being TS. Also its where other people can put their own coming out stories for other poeple to read. If you have one just Fe-Mail me and I'll put it up A.S.A.P.. 

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You are visitor  since December 13, 1996 



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