samalinga: (sanskrit) n., "same gender"
sama (same, equal) linga (gender)
Welcome to samalinga.
You are visitor number
28 Nov. 1996.
These pages are devoted to various writings by South Asians on South Asian lesbigay themes. These writings explore the hopes, dreams, aspirations, fears, joys, pain, and vicissitudes of being "queer", South Asian, in South Asia, and in the South Asian diaspora. These have been collected largely from postings made to Khush (a direct Hindi translation of the English word "gay") -- a listserv mailing list for South Asian lesbigays from around the world.
I have undertaken to put these materials on the WWW for the benefit of the many who can, and often need to, access this resource anonymously (well, as anonymously as the Internet technology will allow). For these brethren, we wish to provide a modicum of comfortable space here. If they wish to "come out", this collection might offer some help.
This collection is also intended for anyone at all who wishes to know about the creative talents in the South Asian "queer" community. The hope is that they will be able to see the humanity of this community, and the importance of understanding in fighting hatred and bigotry.
The organization of the material is available further below.
My (our) thanks to the Geocities people for this valuable service of free WWW pages they provide!
Coming out Stories | Poetry | |
Links to South Asian Lesbigay WWW resources |
samalinga's pages maintained by: Chandra S. Balachandran.
Last updated: 2/16/1997