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crossdressing paradise

This page last updated Tuesday November 16,1999

Hi there and welcome to my home page. My name is Amanda and I am a male to female crossdresser and I have been dressing as a woman for the past 15 yrs. Like most other women, i won't reveal my age, but let's just say that I am a thirty-something young lady.I would like to thank all of you who have visited and I hope that you have enjoyed your stay.To those of you just arriving,I sincerely hope you have a pleasant stay and I hope you will return again.I have included my photo gallery,my biography,and several more very interesting sections full of photos and information. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the page, please contact me at amandah.geo@yahoo.com. All messages will be answered in a timely manner.Again,thanks for all your help.Please take note of my new email address listed here in this opening intro.The email link at the bottom of the page has been updated accordingly.Thanks. I want to include a special THANK YOU to a very dear and special friend and sister,JANEL, for scanning the photos of me that are posted here on this page.THANK YOU JANEL. Enjoy your stay.LUV,HUGS&KISSES,AMANDA.

Links to other sites on the Web

Amanda's Biography
Amanda's Photo Gallery
T* friends on the net *Updated* November 16,1999
Links to special ladies *Updated* November 16,1999
Links to Transgender resources
Special places to chat with the ladies

I am a very lucky lady.I found a new friend on the net who does digital makeovers.As you can see from the pics below,he does remarkable work.The pic on the left is the before,and the one on the right is the after.Please enjoy these pics and let me or the artist know what you think.To e-mail my friend,just click on the pics.Tell him Amanda sent you and that I love him to death.LUV,HUGS&KISSES AMANDA.

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> If anyone has any ideas on how to improve this page, please e-mail me at amandah.geo@yahoo.com. All letters will be answered in a timely manner.I will update this page on a regular basis, so check back often. Please Sign my Guestbook
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Please take a moment to sign one of these guestbooks. I have added a second guestbook. The new book is from SPIN. If one book does not work, please try the other. Thanks, AMANDA If you have already signed the Lpage guestbook,would you please take a moment to re-sign it? I have had some trouble and I have lost all entries to the Lpage guestbook. These problems are now corrected. Thank You for your help. LUV, AMANDA. This page has been visitedtimes since December 1,1996.

Copyright 1996amandah@geocities.com

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