Sheri's TV Home
** New Photo Galleries Added 5-24-01**

Hi, welcome to Sheri's TV Home. I'm glad you found my HomePage
and hope you enjoy your visit. I am a male to female crossdresser. I enjoy transforming myself into
the feminine illusion. If this bothers you, then now is a good time to use the "back" button on your
browser to return to another location. If you are intrigued by my ability to create the feminine illusion then
join me on my adventure.
The photo on this page is a recent picture of myself, taken in June of 1999 by
my girlfriend Jennifer Page. As you can tell, I was enjoying being dressed in this very glamorous dress and the
moment as a female. I don't get to dress nearly often enough. When I am dressed, however, I strive to present myself
as a woman in every sense of the word. My male persona vanishes and is replaced by Sheri's persona! Sheri enjoys
the same things any genetic female enjoys, especially being reacted to and treated as the female she is.
I am a proud member of the Vanity Club Sorority. You can visit the Vanity Club web site
and all of my sisters by following the link below.
Cross dressers are part of the larger transgendered community. Transgendered
individuals may be crossdressers, transvestites, transsexuals, male, female, heterosexual, bi-sexual, gay, or lesbian.
We are a unique part of society, special people with special feelings and needs. There are many resources available
on the World Wide Web dealing with the issues of transgenderism and I hope you will take time to explore some of
these resources to learn more about our community.
My HomePage will always be under construction as I add new photographs, links,
and resources. Visit me often to see what is new. I will be adding several new photo galleries in the coming months
that you won't want to miss! Also, please take the time to share your comments with me about my appearance. Use
the e-mail link to correspond with me. Let me know if you think I successfully create the feminine illusion. Remember,
every girl likes to hear a compliment!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. I hope you enjoy of your stay.

To explore further, follow these links!
** Sheri's Photo Galleries **
Gallery I
Gallery II
Gallery III
Gallery IV
Gallery V
Gallery VI
Gallery VII
Gallery VIII
(posted 11-17-97)
Gallery IX
(posted 11-24-97)
Gallery X
(posted 12-15-97)
Gallery XI
(posted 1-6-98)
Gallery XII
(posted 1-29-98)
Gallery XIII
(posted 4-29-98)
Gallery XIV
(posted 12-1-98)
Gallery XV
(posted 12-1-98)
Gallery XVI
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XVII
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XVIII
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XIX
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XX
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XXI
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XXII
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XXIII
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XXIV
(posted 6-28-99)
Gallery XXV 
(posted 5-24-01)
Gallery XXVI 
(posted 5-24-01)
Gallery XXVII 
(posted 5-24-01)
Gallery XXVIII 
(posted 5-24-01)
Gallery XXIX 
(posted 5-24-01)

I am proud to be a member of the Vanity Club,

home of the most beautiful, glamorous and sophisticated
girls on the internet.

** Sheri's Friends **
HomePages of
my girlfriends.

** Other Transgendered Sites **
KC's Top Ten
Michelle's Midday Break
TG Gallery Open Chat
Geocities TV/CD
TG Forum

take a moment to sign my guest book **

** I always love hearing from you via fe-mail! **

Hope you enjoyed your visit.
Don't forget to stop by often to see what is new!

This page was last updated on 5-24-01
You are visitor number

There is no nudity on this site.
Be careful as you follow the links from this site,
you never know where they might lead or what you might find!
Copyright 1996
Content and pictures may not be used without
expressed written permission.

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