About BestBoy
Thanks for visiting my page. I hope to share topical information
about gay images in Film and Literature with you, my visitors. This site will be in a state of constant change,
but you will frequently find new things popping up. I would like to encourage your participation in my site, also.
Since I am posting my opinions about books and films, you may not always agree with me. Let me know. Other points
of view are always welcome. I will be posting a responses section which will contain letters from visitors. If
you don't want your name or email address posted, let me know. Just use the nearest EMail or Feedback link. I'll
try to include them on every page. |
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You will also find some great links to other sites that are helpful,
interesting and just plain fun. I am hoping my site will be a valuable contribution to the global gay community,
especially those seeking gay-positive entertainment in film and books.
BestBoy |
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times since Nov. 3, 1996