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Information about homosexuality for teenagers
A few years ago, I needed to know that other gay teenagers like me existed. At that time, I didn't have anybody to talk to about what I what I was going through, or anybody else's experiences to listen to. My sexuality was a big issue for me, and I now know that a lot of teenagers still have the same problems and questions I had and so desperately wanted them answered.Since the days when I knew little about my own sexuality, I have spoken to a number of different people, attended gay youth groups, spoken to a number of different medical professionals and "came out" to close friends as well as my parents. I feel like I would of benefited from speaking to somebody else who had the same problems I had, so I produced this web page to try to help anybody in the same or similar situations as me by providing my own experiences and knowledge about sexuality.
I, like many others, did not know where to turn for support; and did not know that any support existed. I did not have access to large information sources like the 'Net, and would of benefited by reading a personal home page like this one. I would appreciate it if people could send me any comments on this page, as well as any information or links that would be useful to any gay teenagers.
Why me?
What happens if you don't like being gay?
Coming experiance & others
Falling in love with a heterosexual
Is it just a phase I am going through?
More about the author of this page
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Links to other web pages and information sources
A great gay teenagers page
Homosexuality: Common Questions & Statements addressed
A page packed full of useful information
Very useful text files - everything a gay teenager wants to know
I regret that I am not often on the e-mail as much as I would like to be, so I have been forced not to have an e-mail address on this page.
times since 6th December 1996
for February 1997
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