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Last updated January 5, 1999

After a long, hard summer, we're back and ready to gear up again for 1999. It's been a while since we've updated our pages, but we're in the process of bringing it all up to date, so there'll soon be much more to see in the archives, and soon new material as we get rolling. Stop by again, because it just keeps getting better!

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Gay Sioux City

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Last updated August 14, 1998

Join the Heartland Pride Ring!


The Envoy Gay Pride Pages is dedicated to helping to draw together people, ideas, and resources for Pride Month, 1999. Stop by and put in your two cents' worth. (Yes, I'm still working on it, and still want to hear your ideas for Pride 99. If anyone has any motivation and wants to see Siouxland hold its own for Pride, e-mail Dee at Envoy, and we'll start posting ideas.)
Stop in at Gay Pride Pages

What Is Envoy?

The Logo

Envoy is the spirit of community, dedicated to forging bonds of unity, supporting friends and family, and building a bridge of understanding between the gay and straight communities. We believe that by becoming an interactive marketplace of ideas and opinions, we can open the doors of communication and tolerance among ourselves, and society at large.

Debuting in Sioux City, IA in June, 1997, Envoy is still growing, still improving. Envoy's mission is to give the public a positive look at the gay community, its hopes and desires, and to highlight the similarities between us all. We believe that familiarity is the greatest tool we have to counter myths and fears.

Deanne L. Kearns

Writers' Coordinator
Kathleen Hill

XartaniaCleisPat PorschKathleen HillSaraDeanne KearnsChiliCarrie DuncanJosh



To Be Announced Chili SaysXartania Pat's PlaceCleis
New Feature! Opening the ClosetNew Feature! Crockett's Rules of CivilizationOther Features

Want to read the real thing? Pick up an issue at any of the businesses and locations listed in Announcements
Missed an issue? Check Archives for some back issues' offerings.

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Chili Says

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