If you recognize the symbol above, then you probably know ........ Yes! it's true. I am er...."left-handed"



I'd rather be hated for something that I am than be love for something that I'm not.

"I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano; .. A stage where every man must play a part, and mine, a sad one," a line from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice uttered by Shylock (narrated by yours truly), expressing the contempt he had for his life, the one that of not his own choosing. A short line, a simple line, a line you may read over once and never think twice about it again, but to me, these strings of words & letters somehow represent and define and me.
... I am haunted by them.


By the way, I'm proud to say that there will be no stupid guess book to view, nothing silly to sign, very few animations to look at, and not a one single search engine for you to use.

I've tried my best to optimize everything for speed and ease of navigation.

Most pictures have been compressed to a moderate rate. Although it pains me to edit and shorten most of the midi files in here, however, I feel it was necessary. Anybody want a full version of the songs can contact me if you like. I hope what it lacks in looks will be made up for in contents.

Time to pay homage to my sponsor. Thanks Guys!



























































































































































































Egometer reads

By the way, what are you doing all the way down here anyway?