The things you take for natural and obvious in Western countries are not that obvious in Ukraine. Majority of population still is sure that gay men are perverts and deserve hardest punishment.
The life of an average Ukrainian gay man, what does it feel like? I bet this is one of the questions that brought you to our site. The answer is quite simple - it is much the same as in the West. Like any Western gay, we get up in the morning, shave, take a shower, eat breakfast, kiss good-bye to our
partner (if we are fortunate to have one) and go to the office. We work, chat with colleagues (some of them share our 'small secret', sometimes we are not 'out'), then go home. In the evening we cruise (if we happen not to have a partner) - in the parks, saunas, discos or in the Net - we fall in love, we part, we forgive, we forget. Well, does it matter so much that we take metro to go to the office, while you take a car, or that we prefer black tea to Starbucks coffee? We have a much more important thing in common: we all need to love and to be loved by our one and only man for life.
But there are some differences as well - and main difference of Ukrainian society is that gay men here have to fight for their acceptance. It is not that way easy for them to accept themselves as gay ones. The things you take for natural and obvious in Western countries are not that obvious in Ukraine. Majority of population still is sure that gay men are perverts and deserve hardest punishment. Ukrainian people in country side as well as in big cities are homophobic and hungry against any kind of sexual minorities.
However it makes Ukraine very attractive country for the foreign gay visitors. Because our gay men have to live in deepest underground and to hide their sexual preferences and their orientation, Ukrainian men are not "the whores went to mass circulation" you'll see all around your places - in your Western gay venues and cruising areas.
Most of gay Ukrainians - and surely over 99 per cent stay virgin till their 30s, because they can't find a man who shares their sexual orientation. It is very hidden thing here - gay activities are in deepest underground. Perhaps it is like it was in Germany during
Nazis time or even worse.
But exactly because of this dramatic situation you could find perfect partner among Ukrainian gay guys who will be happy to share all his long-years sexual energy and feelings with you. And you'll know for sure that he was never been partnered before - you'll get the top quality which is better than quantity you can get in your country. But if you are looking for escorts you have to leave this page and to chose another country to visit. Ukraine is not for sex-tourists - there are enough better places to make such nasty voyages: Hungary, Czech Republic, or Thailand. There are dozens of countries where you'll be able to buy sex, but you can't buy it here. If you are
planning to do it you'll get very sad disappointing experiences and complete set of sexual
transmitted diseases. Because only very dirty street boys sell themselves in this country. And there are only few of them - not any dozens or hundreds.
This site will give you some most important and simple advices about Does and
Don'ts in your gay adventures in our country. Before you start to read our
essential information be aware that although Ukrainian citizens do not tolerate gay men among our own population, they really are more friendly in case it goes about
foreigner. Because since old communism period they know that in wild West people are "extremely perverted" and have brothels,
porn mags as well as gay issue. So they accept it a bit more natural. And if you really want to find your true happiness you should think seriously about visiting this country.
We recommend you to read an article about gay Ukraine written by Werstern observer here to understand our gay boys better!
We wish you good luck in collecting of your experiences!
• Bohdan Shevchenko
©1998-2008 by Gay Ukraine International, Kiev, Ukraine.
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