![]() Welcome to my Egocentric Lesbian Homepage ! ![]() ![]() My friends just hate this picture... don't see why...
Welcome to my egocentric lesbian page, entirely devoted to ME, MY
favorite stuff and MY friends.
A lot of things have changed since I last updated this page : I finished my studies, moved in with my girlfriend, started to work, got dumped by my girlfriend, took a cat, grew up... usual life ! Yes, a lot of things have changed... but not the basics !!
![]() A little more about me More (old) pictures ? (make your window large enough !) Well I'm 31, I live in Toulouse, France, which is a real beautiful town and which deserves her name of "Pink City" (see lesbian stuff), but I come from the South of Nantes, Brittany. I studied applied mathematics (Don't say "BAAAH" like that ! Mathematicians are human beings and some of them are sane !) and got my engineering diploma in june 1996. I then made a Ph.D. in robotics at the LAAS (Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems) but I was not a good girl... So one day my Ph.D. boss said something like "It's time you go out messing around with the industry, we did our share". So I left. And now I have a real job ;)
But let's get serious... There is something I must confess... "Yes,
the rumors are all true. It's time I told you : I am a L-L-Lawrence Welk
fan." No, just like the woman who said that (great
k.d.lang) I'm a lesbian,
100% lesbian, 100% butch (That's the way it is. You can see it, I can't help it,
get used to it !). That's why you will find a pretty long chapter about my lesbian
activities and my favorite links. I also love music and couldn't concentrate on my work without my walk-man and Phranc on it. Gimme some sweet folk and I will be happy (uh... if you also give me the girl who sings...)
![]() Girls with girls (Lesbian stuff) Yes, I'm a lesbian and, I must confess, I'm kinda happy to be a lesbian and to live in Toulouse. Why ? Because it's in Toulouse that three wonderful womyn, Sylviane, Brigitte and Jacqueline decided to create the Bagdam Cafée. The Cafée does not exist anymore but the organization is still alive. And the most important for me is that I could spend years in this place, been guided, comforted, supported. I learned a lot there. And what I learned, I want to share. That's why I created, with a bunch of friends, a french speaking lesbian and feminist webzine called :
![]() It is updated once a month and it takes me a loooooooooooot of time. But I'm pretty proud to be part of this team. To end up with this lesbian part, here are my favourite lesbian or gay links on the net... Try these !
![]() Girls with riffles (Feminist stuff ! ;) ) Even though the lesbian activists, who fought by the side of the feminist activists because they thought that they should not only fight for their own rights but fo every woman's rights, got a little bashed in the face when it came to lesbians rights, I still think you can't be a lesbian without being a feminist. Actually I think you can't be a woman without being feminist... As a feminist I try to fight sexism. That's the only goal of feminism for me : no more sexism. So that any man, any woman, can live freely, being him or herself without any gender stereotype ("A man does not cry", "Women are better with kids"). Just like Germaine Greer said : "The opposite to patriarchy is not matriarchy, it's fraternity". And so I try to fight those macho and/or misogynic assholes who think their dick makes them King of the Universe, with women as slaves... and the macho and/or misogynic women who think we are genetically programmed to wash the toilets... and, somehow, mystically, it's often the same homophobic johns I met the day before... How bizarre ! Anyway, have a look on those feminist sites, those women sites, and, man or woman, if you're not already a damn feminist warrior, you'd better become one before I catch you ! It's important for every single one of us.
![]() Girls with guitars(Musical stuff, mainly folk) What I like in art, especially in music, especially in folk music, especially in folk music made by women, is that it's always like meeting someone, who tells you stories or teach you something about life...
That kind of music takes a big place in my life. It brought me and
still brings me so much : happiness, tears, and a million kinds of
different feelings... To me listening to an old album you loved is
like coming home. That's why I wanted to make a special page about
those wondeful singers (those you can find on the net) because I think
they really worth a listening !
![]() Girls with anything (Just little thoughts I want you to know) As I said, some friends and I write a webzine and so... I took bad habits like writing things personnal to people I don't know, just to make them laugh... but in english it won't sound that good... Anyway here are some little questions I ask from time to time... if you have the answers... tell me why... Oh, by the way, the incredible number of guys who come to my channel because they want to "meet lesbians" (and may be tease them, explain them how they are their wildest fantasy....) got so much on my nerves that I wrote a small "Lesbians FAQ"... if you've got any suggestion... Lesbians FAQ That's all for today, I'll try to update this page within the next five years ;)
![]() ![]() If you wanna mail me... Onenight
![]() Working on it, hold on Babe ! |