Welcome to Waveboy's Home!

to Waveboy's home.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes, Let me introduce myself. I'm a Young blond & blue eyed GWM from the Beaches of L.A. I Live and Love the Beach, Surfing, Alternative Music & ohh..... did I mention BOYS!!! During The late sping I usually go rock climbing In the San Bernadino mountains and spend most of my time in Big Bear. In the Summer I'm usually at the beach. Right Now I'm Just trying to Make an Honest Living In the South Bay & my life is just ... well... full of inconsitances. Don't know what else to call it. I was always one of those QUEER KIDS (who was always targeted). But, I Always seem to Have Great friends who are worth more than gold. In fact I don't think I've really hated anyone. Not Even those who hated Me !!! I figure one should always grant (not give) Respect to others. If they Can't Grant That Back To You....than they arn't worth your time... Nor there own. Keep the PRIDE Dudes & Dudettes I'm truely proud of my GAY herritage & my Community.

I Love You Jack

GROOVE 103.1

...That's My Favorite Boy, That's My Favorite Radio Station

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