/Pentagon/Bunker/5103/NiagaraMain.html http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/5103/NiagaraMain.html

The Coolest Cadet Link on Earth!

A view of all the staff cadets of HMCS Acadia, 1999 (click on pic to view larger)
The HMCS Acadia crest, click here to view more crests
The HMCS Acadia crest, click here to view more crests


Ok, so I have been in cadets for quite a while and have been a staff cadet for two summers. So,  it only seems right that I post some staff cadet pictures of the friends I made at the best cadet base in Canada... you guessed it, H.M.C.S. Acadia. To those of you who went this summer, I suppose we'll never forget losing all our chiefs near the end of the summer, or all the times the girls visited the guys in their barracks, and vice versa (Twas the year of RTU's). Who can forget Cameron Clowe's humour, Major Walton's attitude, or the quality of the mess hall food. Please, if you see your pic, send me a message. If you like what you see, or you have pictures of you you or friends who have ever gone to H.M.C.S. Acadia,  or are or have been in cadets, send them to me and I promise they WILL be posted. Click on the photos below to view them large. Enjoy, and please SIGN MY GUESTBOOK BELOW!!

A link to one of   my pages,

Danielle Beaulieu, Chief of HMCS Acadia for 1999
Getting ready for the formal, from l-r: Tricia Bell, Davinna Morrison, Amy Mahar, and Jill Hillier
Amy Mahar and Krista Noonan in the showers

Click on the pics!

Christina Walton and Bobby Hobbs
Lt. Penney on block duty the last day of camp with Bobby Hobbs' watergun
Lindsay and Davinna, two Sea Ops staff cadets

CLICK HERE If you want to see MORE pictures. I have a whole lot more!...hey it might be YOU in one of them!! I'll be adding more in after the holidays.

A link to another of my pages, #08 CCMRC CHAMPLAIN,


Do I have your crest? Send me a photo or scan of your  Crops Crest and it will go on my "Crest of Fame" page!!! To view the page so far, CLICK HERE!!!

Do you speak Dutch? Do you know someone who does? Do you want to know what dutch looks like? Look no further! Click here!

Looking for a corps and can't find the site? This link has ALL the available cadet corps websites ALL ACROSS CANADA!!! CLICK LINK BELOW!!!

To go to page with links to all Canadian Cadet Corps websites
Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Crest
click here to view the ultimate link

Snowboarders, click here
to enter Snowboarder heaven

click here to view the ultimate link

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