Gay Asian Literature

This page is always under construction so check back here every once in a while.

Every time I update each list, the date is noted. I don't specify which title was added but the best way to check is by copyright date. Most of the books added to the lists are recently published.

7/27/98: I've gone through all the lists and marked which ones are out of print. Out of print books aren't printed by the publisher anymore and are usually more difficult (but not impossible!) to find. They are marked with a triple asterisk after the title - ***.
9/27/99: I'm sorry I haven't been updating this list very often.. ever since I moved out of Los Angeles, I've been out of the "literature loop", so to speak... but thanks to everyone who contributed and made suggestions!

6/30/06: As you might have noticed, this site hasn't been updated in years. Sometimes I think that it has been made redundant with the introduction of Google and other search engines. However, there doesn't seem to be a reason to take this webpage down, since it's hosted on a free site. Therefore, please enjoy what little this outdated page has to offer!




Comments and suggestions welcome:

This page has been visited times since 8/3/96.

Last updated on June 30, 2006

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