Spanking and Discipline
Home Page

Who is Huckerin?

I'm a gay man, living in San Francisco, and practicing the multifarious arts of spanking and discipline. I am 45, 5'8", 145, handsome, lean, and fit with a full head of short hair.

My favorite play is in the area of discipline and corporal punishment, although I have played extensively with and enjoyed meditative and/or sensual aspects of spanking as well. I am most interested by the positive, character-building aspects of the discipline-oriented erotic arts. I believe strongly in informed consent, and I never play with any man without full negotiations, agreed-upon limits, and clear safewords. I prefer to play with lean men younger than me.

I have been an active player in the spanking scene for over 20 years. I used to be much more oriented to a broader range of SM play, but as time has gone on, I have increasingly focussed on slapping and strapping the round bare bottoms of the men I play with. In my play, I endeavor to practice what I preach: I am a disciplined spanker who aims and connects with the designated spot. I like to slap openhanded in order to create a sharp report. And I like heat and rhythm. I also play with belts, straps, paddles, the hairbrush, and other traditional instruments of corporal punishment. Role play is great -- especially dad/son, cop/punk, older/younger brother, teacher/student, and boss/employee scenes. But I also like to play straight up, my bare bottomed partner taking what he knows he wants, needs, deserves, and/or enjoys.

While I personally am gay, I am open to correspondence and/or play with gay, straight, and bi men. There does not need to be any sex involved, and if there ever is any sex involved it must be by mutual consent. While I am a 95% top, I would be happy to correspond with bottoms, tops and switches if you want to talk about spanking, whether from an intellectual point of view or whether with the possibility of meeting for possible play. I value honesty above all other qualities. Anonymity is one thing, but lying is another. If you plan to deceive me, save both of us the trouble. If you do email me, please indicate in your first email that you are of legal age of consent. If you are underage, do not email me under any circumstances.

Who Needs a Spanking?

For many years I have kept a file called "Bad Boyz," consisting of news photographs of guys who look like they need a spanking. The criteria are simple: if I think the guy is hot, and if he's in the news, and especially if he's been bad, then he gets into the "Bad Boyz" file. So here are a few such "boyz," all of them at least apparently of legal age of consent.

There is one image per page. To go to the next image, click on the photo. Some of the images are rather bad, but that's the way it goes. You have two choices: you can start with the last image that I've mounted, or you can start with the first one. If this is your first visit, you should use the "First to Last" button on the left. If you've been here before, try "Last to First" and keep going until you see an image you've seen before.

First to Last
Last to First

Most recent update: August 16, 1998; There are now 6 pages.

It is not my intention to violate copyright; I make no money from these images; I consider my mounting them here as fair expression of my right in a free society to comment on what goes on around me. But, if there is an image here that shouldn't be here, then tell me about it and I will remove it. I have inserted periods into all proper names (as in "B.o.b.") to impede bots from cataloguing what amounts to a whimsical little site doing no harm to anyone.

For an excellent set of spanking links, try

Tre's Woodshed
A hot badboy with one of the best cp sites
(requires AdultCheck)

Johnny's Spanking Paradise
A sexy Dutch Top with dozens of galleries of pix

Kolin's Kewl Links
Just a cool dude into CP

Colin Farrell's World CP Research Website
A truly remarkable site for history buffs (URL recently changed)

The SwatTeam's "Spanking Resources on the Internet"
and check out the
Swat Team home site
with personals from all the team members!

If you're serious about
male-to-male spanking and corporal punishment,
you should consider subscribing to
the mmcp mailing list

To subscribe to the mmcp mailing list:

Go to the ONElist web site <> and
click on "
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Enter "mmcp" in the search window, and
follow the easy instructions.

Questions or comments? Send e-mail to

Huckerin <>

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| | Created September 27, 1996 | | Updated August 29, 1998 | |