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Email Me
Otterzero's Den!

Hi, and welcome to the online world of OtterZero! I'm a fuzzy, interesting otter who currently makes his home in central New Jersey. I'm a library supervisor and occasional grad student. In my spare time, I hang out with my boyfriend and/or other friends, watching weird movies or Japanese Animation, or playing games (board, card, video, role-playing, etc.) When chilling out alone, I like to read, write fiction, watch weird TV shows, attempt to draw, or try to teach myself a new skill like speaking Spanish or cooking. I started this web site to show off some of the things I'm interested in and to give people a chance to get to know me.
I now have a LiveJournal! Click here to go to OtterZero's LiveJournal. For personal reasons, I have taken down and archived my previous online journals, dating from 1999 to 2002.
I have started a board games group at the Pride Center! My partner and I have re-started the tradition of hosting low-key, social board gaming nights at the local LGBT community center, located in New Brunswick, NJ. The game nights are held on the third Tuesday of each month, from 7:30pm until about 10:00pm. For more information, please visit the web page for the New Jersey Pride Center.
Navigating around the Den
To the left of each page is a bar which lists the different sections of the site. Click on a link to go to that respective page. Please send me an email if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns -- just click on the "Email Me" link to the left.
Visitors to date:

This page was last updated on June 21st, 2002.