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Please sign my guestbook and/or email me with you positive and even bias comments if that is how you feel. Everybody's input is appreciated so we can see what people have to say about the ideas addressed on this site. Thank you.


Think for a moment, how you felt the first time you saw your spouse or mate. How your knees started to tremble, your heart started to race, and how your lips moved, but no words came out. Think of how you felt the first time you kissed, the first time you made love, and now, how much joy your spouse/mate, and your children bring to your life. Now think of life without them. Or at least think of how you would feel if someone were to deny you of any of these joys of life. There is nothing stopping you from getting married or having children, and for you to kiss or even just to hold hands in public is perfectly normal. But for gays and lesbians, the dreams and lives you lead are not that simple. To them falling in love, getting married, and having a few wonderful children are not normal steps of life. There are people who think they have the right to deny gays and lesbians of their rights to live as they see fit, as we all do every day as heterosexuals. Imagine a world where these choices were stripped from everyone. If we allow it to begin with sexual preference, what's to stop it from taking over every facet of our lives. What makes us so different from them. They have the same dreams that you and I do and deserve to marry and have children with the ones they love. Life is too short and too prescious to deny anybody of a life filled with dreams come true. There are better things our world should be worried about like rapists and murders. Gays, and lesbians are treated as if they were different, or even alien. Please help to make people see how much we are hurting gays and lesbians and make them see that they are a very important part of our lives.

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Definitions of a bisexual

Toronto Star: Chretien rejects idea of gay marriage

This sight has just opened it's doors and is still under construction. Please help me make this sight the best that it can be and feel free to send any and all comments.


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