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Limited Liability Companies are not taxed when classified as a partnership, rather the members pay tax, at the personal income rate, on the money which they receive from the limited liability company. An LLC can be viewed as a partnership which has the advantage of a corporation in that the members/partners are not liable for the debts of the LLC, nor are they liable to each other. |
LLCs are recognized by all fifty states, the federal government and internationally. . | ||
"The origin of this relatively new institution is generally attributed to the German Law of 1892, authorizing the Gesellschaft mit beschrnkter Haftung...Once established in Germany, the concept of the LLC had a very active and fast growth... Within a short period of time after enactment in Germany, the following countries joined the limited liability bandwagon: Portugal (1917); Brazil (1919); Chile (1923); France (1925); Turkey (1926); Cuba (1929); Argentina (1932); Uruguay (1933); Mexico (1934); Belgium (1935); Switzerland (1936); Italy (1936); Peru (1936); Columbia (1937); Costa Rica (1942); Guatemala (1942); and Honduras (1950). 13 Univ Pitt L Rev 193 (1952)." | ||
half of all conventional marriages will end in divorce. Several states are
investigating ways of making marriages more stable. Some of the remedies being
investigated are counseling before marriage and marriage contracts which do not allow for
divorce. It is our position that the way to strengthen marriage is to eliminate SEX as a component of the contract, the parties contracting should be able to handle sex without the state's assistance. There is no real need for the state to be in the business of promoting contracts for sex. There is clearly a benefit to be gained from the state promoting responsibility and stable relationships between people who care about each other, there is also a benefit to be gained from NOT having the welfare of children at the mercy of the current institution of marriage. At least one researcher has claimed that the key to a successful marriage is the partners being friends, i.e liking each other independent of lusting after each other. Creating a Relationship LLC with your partner is a statement that your feelings for your partner(s) are beyond lust, that you actually LIKE the other person. |
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Relationship LLCs , by definition, cannot be created in an attempt to "legitimize" a sexual arrangement (Gay or Straight) and cannot be used for an illegal, immoral, or unethical purpose. We do not endorse the idea of transferring all of your assets to the LLC, rather we endorse the idea of treating your RLLC as a business which will act as (a) producer of a commercial web site; (b) the financial planner of your relationship; and for (c) engaging in any other legal business which you are interested in engaging in. The idea is that your RLLC and therefore your relationship, would serve as an additional source of income. | ||
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"Invoking the feminist writer Martha Fineman, American University law professor Nancy Polikoff argues that organizing society around sexually connected people is wrong; the more central units are dependents and their caretakers." Fenton Johnson, Wedded To An Illusion, Harpers November 1996. | ||
In Arabia at the time of Mohammed, the word for marriage was Nikah, which literally meant sexual intercourse. In the Koran it was also used to mean a contract. Marriage thus was conceived of as a contract for sexual intercourse. (Fustel de Coulanges 1973, 89-90, 107; Bullough 1974, 67, 141; Snodgrass 1980, 79)." Comparative Family Systems", The Course Sociology/Anthropology 495, by Dr. Judy Maynard | ||
State Contacts: for free info on LLCs | ||
ALABAMA 624 State Office Building Montgomery, AL 36130 1-205-242-5324 |
ALASKA Division of Banking, Securities and Corporations P.O. Box 110808 Juneau, AK 99811-0808 1-907-465-2530 |
ARIZONA Arizona Corporation Commission State of Arizona 1200 West Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007 1-602-542-3521 |
ARKANSAS Corporation Division State Capital Building Little Rock, AR 72201 1-501-682-3463 |
CALIFORNIA Office of the Secretary of State Limited Liability Company Unit P.O. Box 944228 Sacramento, CA 94244-2280 1-916-445-0620 |
COLORADO Office of the Secretary of State 1650 Broadway Denver, CO 80202 1-303-894-2200 ext. 349 |
CONNETICUT Office of the Secretary of State 30 Trinity Street Hartford, CT 06106 1-203-566-6192 |
DELAWARE Office of the Secretary of State Corporations Department Townsend Building Dover, DE 19901 1-302-739-3073 |
DISTRICT of COLUMBIA Council of the District of Columbia Office of the General Counsel Washington, DC 20004 1-202-727-7278 |
FLORIDA Florida Department of State Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314 1-904-487-6000 |
GEORGIA Office of Secretary of State 306 West Tower 2 M.L. King, Jr. Drive Atlanta, GA 30334 1-404-656-2817 |
IDAHO Secretary of State Commercial Affairs Statehouse Boise, ID 83720 1-208-334-3191 |
ILLINOIS Office of Secretary of State 359 Howlett Building Springfield, IL 62756 1-217-524-8008 |
IOWA Office of the Secretary of State Hoover Building Des Moines, IA 50319 1-515-281-8363 |
INDIANA Office of the Secretary of State State House, Room 155 Indianapolis, IN 46204 1-317-232-6587 |
KANSAS Secretary of State 2nd Floor, State Capitol 300 S.W. 10th Ave. Topeka, KS 66612-1594 1-913-296-4565 |
KENTUCKY Director of Corporations State Capitol Building, Room 150 Frankfort, KY 40601-3493 1-502-564-2848 |
LOUISIANA Office of the Secretary of State P.O. Box 94125 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125 1-504-925-4716 |
MAINE Director of Corporations Station #101, Room #221, S.O.B. Augusta, ME 04333 1-207-287-4189 |
MARYLAND Corporate Charter Division 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21201 1-410-225-1340 |
MASSACHUSETTS Secretary of the Commonwealth Corporations Division One Ashburton Place, 17th Floor Boston, MA 02108 1-617-727-9440 (recorded messages) 1-617-727-9640 (corporations) 1-617-727-2859 (limited partnerships) |
MICHIGAN Department of Commerce P.O. Box 30222 Lansing, Michigan 48909 1-517-334-6327 |
MINNESOTA Office of the Secretary of State 100 Constitution Ave., 180 State Office Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55155-1299 1-612-296-9215 |
MISSISSIPPI Secretary of State Business Services P.O. Box 136 Jackson, MS 39205-0136 1-601-359-1604 |
MISSOURI Secretary of State P.O. Box 1159 Jefferson City, MO 65102 1-573-751-3200 |
MONTANA Chief Corporations Bureau State Capitol - R 225 Helena, MT 59601 1-406-444-3665 |
NEBRASKA Corporation Division State Capitol, #1301 Lincoln, NE 68509 1-402-471-4079 |
NEVADA Secretary of State Capitol Complex Carson City, NV 89710 1-702-687-5203 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE Secretary of State State House Annex, 3rd Floor Concord, NH 03301 1-603-271-3242 |
NEW JERSEY Division of Commercial Recording CN 308 Trenton, NJ 08625 1-609-530-6412 |
NEW MEXICO State Corporation Department P.O. Drawer 1269 Santa Fe, NM 87504-1269 1-505-827-4502 |
NEW YORK Secretary of State 162 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12231 1-518-473-2492 |
NORTH CAROLINA Secretary of State 300 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5909 1-919-733-4201 |
NORTH DAKOTA Corporations Division 800 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505-0500 1-701-328-2939 |
OHIO Director of Corporations 30 E. Broad Street, 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43266-0418 1-614-466-1145 |
OKLAHOMA Secretary of State 101 State Capitol Oklahoma City, OK 73105 1-405-521-3911 |
OREGON Secretary of State 255 Capitol Street, NE Suite 151 Salem, OR 97310 -1327 1-503-986-2200 |
RHODE ISLAND Office of the Secretary of State State of Rhode Island 100 North Main Street Providence, RI 02903-1335 1-401-277-3040 |
SOUTH CAROLINA Secretary of State P.O. Box 11350 Columbia, SC 29211 1-803-734-2170 |
SOUTH DAKOTA Office of the Secretary of State Capitol Building, 2nd Floor Pierre, SD 57501 1-605-773-4845 |
TENNESSEE Corporation Section 18th Floor, James K. Polk Building Nashville, TN 37243-0306 1-615-741-0584 |
TEXAS Secretary of State P.O. Box 13697 Austin, TX 78711-3697 1-512-463-5586 |
UTAH Division of Corporations P.O. Box 45801 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0801 1-801-530-6027 |
VIRGINIA State Corporation Commission P.O. Box 1197 Richmond, VA 23209 1-804-786-3672 |
WASHINGTON Office of Secretary of State 505 East Union, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 40234 Olympia, WA 98504-0234 1-206-753-7120 |
WEST VIRGINIA Corporations Division State Capitol Charleston, WV 25305 1-304-558-8000 ext. 39 |
WISCONSIN Office of Secretary of State Corporations Division 30 West Mifflan Madison, WI 53703 1-608-267-3224 |
WYOMING LLC Division Office of the Secretary of State Capitol Building Cheyenne, WY 82002 1-307-777-5334 |
LLC® The Only Brand of It's Kind
The Relationship LLC registered trademark and associated copyrighted logos and designs are available for licensing. Contact us at or |
PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Notice is made that Relationship, L.L.C. 's business model is original, unique and that it promotes social order. The Relationship LLC believes that its business model is protected by U.S. Intellectual Property Laws. |
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