Hi everyone, welcome to the Mouse House.
This is a gay home page. If you are under age or you will be offended, then please leave or click on this.
The occupier of WestHollywood 3249 which is Mouse (that's me), is not reponsible for any spelling, grammar or any other stuff up that's occurs on this page due to my typing. If you have any complaints, please do not send your emails to me, but to ........... Dam it. I lost that email address. Never mind.
Oh and by the way, to make sure that you behave yourself while you are in the Mouse House, I am going to keep my eye on you.
Thanks "Nothingbutguys.com" and for everyone that voted for me for the above award. :)
Really Matters - A must read.
Weather forecast for New Zealand.
Including The Mystery Link.
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If you would like to contact me to suggest a joke or a
link or anything else, you can contact via
or via ICQ 46433227.
Remember to be good and if you can't be good then be good at it and safe.