Revised April 10, 2000
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The Nice Jewish Girls Homepage
Nice Jewish Girls is an email discussion list for Jewish Lesbian and Bisexual Women.Are you a virtual Jewish Lesbian or Bisexual Woman? Wondered where all the Nice Jewish Girls were? They're ON-LINE! If you've got an email account, you're set to join us, and our discussions are FREE.
Please join our virtual international community of extremely cool Jewish Lesbian and Bisexual Women for peripatetic and tolerant discussions of virtually every issue under the sun of interest to us. Our discussions are uncensored and unmoderated, and privacy is protected to the extent that our posts are NOT publicly accessible or linked to public newsgroups. Members may use initials or aliases for safety. We now have close to 140 members, from points in Canada and the U.S., England, Israel, Australia and New Zealand. Please consider joining us!
Our server is in New York. Our members range in age and occupation and interests and affiliations, with a considerable number of happening and educated Women. If you'd like further information, please write to either L'hava or Janet; or subscribe to our list by following these directions:
Send an email message to with your message reading: subscribe nicejg (replace "" with your real name, an alias or your initials). Your request will then be processed shortly, and you'll be instantly in touch with a lot of wonderful people.
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