Welcome To The Home Pages of Rand B. Lee aka Bearwhodreams

Writer & Editor Specializing In Horticulture & Fantasy; Founder & President, The North American Cottage Garden Society & The North American Dianthus Society

Welcome to my Web pages. I am a single gay man living in Santa Fe, New Mexico with my blind husky-mongrel, Moon Pie. I am very grateful to the folks at Geocities.Com for making it possible for me to have a website here for free. Please take the time to browse our virtual neighborhoods.

This is a multilevel site under construction. It is not a very sophisticated site, I guess, because I am new to html and have an old computer: a souped up Mac Performa 475 with no scanner or CD-ROM. However, I am proud of it and think you’ll enjoy it.

The upside of this is that you will find no animations, blinking things, or frames here. Upload for you should be pretty quick. The downside of this is that you won’t be able to take advantage of the interactivity I had envisioned to build into the site. Soon, I hope!

All the text on these pages is Copyright 1996, 1997, & 1999 Rand B. Lee. Please do not copy anything here without asking permission first.

"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?" --- Jean Jacques Rousseau

Navigating My Pages

My Intuitive Consultant Services

The North American Cottage Garden Society

Pinks, Carnations, & The North American Dianthus Society

My Writing, Editing, and Literary Interests

Exploring Gay Identity & Spirituality

General Links Elsewhere

Looking for a used book? Start here

Meet Ellery Queen, Master Detective -- my father...

Love old-time radio? My mom, Kaye Brinker, had her own shows in the Thirties! Check out these archives...

The best mystery novel publisher around (look for the soon-to-be-published 70th Anniversary Ellery Queen anthology!).

A great Macintosh freeware/shareware site.

My nephew Russ Lee’s incredible Jack Nicholsen site!


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Many thanks to those who permitted me to use their graphics for these pages. Check out: