Is it the uniforms, the boots, the haircuts, or THE MEN??
Not just Marines, but if you're in the Navy, Army, or Air Force, or even just a "wannabee", you're my type of man.
I was born September 12, 1949, in Allentown, PA, and currently reside there. I'm 5'11", 260+/-.
There's a barber chair in the living room with professional clippers in case you're ready for that "boot camp" haircut.
I collect and wear military uniforms, gear, and have fun playing with these things, too. If you're into the same, feel free to leave "e-male". In addition, firegear, hazmat, workgear, coveralls, Carhartts, police uniforms, even prison uniforms have made their way into the collection. Football, ice hockey, boxing, and wrestling gear are turnons too.
This page will always be under construction, and will be updated periodically. I'll have some of my favorite pix and favorite links to other www sites.
I originally started this site January 19, 1997, and so many ideas have bounced around in my brain. I have the ideas, I have the software, I have some knowledge, lots of pics, but just can't get it to mesh together (yet). Maybe a crack of a whip or something will get things moving. A WHOLE NEW LOOK IS COMING VERY SOON... WATCH FOR A ALL-INCLUSIVE GROUP OF PAGES AND PICS.
Please visit my small site often, and if you need "pig gear" or uniforms or other gear, please click through to the sites below. By doing so, you will help in a small way to add to my disability income. I thank you for doing so.
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Links to other sites on the Web
Gear, a great site for meeting men into gear
Fort Troff - PIG SEX GEAR -
© 1997-2008