Hola! I'm Isabel
and welcome to the newest web page in the TG Community. What you will find
here will probably not be much different from many of the other pages out
there on the web, however, this is my creation and contribution. Well if
nothing else it helps relieve boredom and sharpens my skills in HTML.
If this sort of subject matter is offensive to you the you better check-out
now! I do not think there is anything really offensive here,but some
folk are insulted by the lifestyle...Go Figure!
me: Well I am of hispanic descent (and very proud of it too!)
I am a TG person who has been doing this my whole life. I also have
what they call Klinefelters Syndrome (did I spell that right?) It's a chromosome
thing, no big deal but makes for interesting reading none the less.
I have been on the web for a
under a different name but my shrink says that person was not who I really
was and Isabel is the real me, so here I am. Regarding my TransGenderism,
it all started when I was abput 5 or so, and asked my mom if I could change
and be a girl, well, she laughed it off, but I didn't. I spent many
years feeling out of place and not understanding why. Going to bed
at night wishing I could wake up a girl. Did the MACHO thing, denied,
denied, denied. Then one day for some strange reason and without
consciously realizing it, I went to Walmart and bought make-up, hose
and a dress, came home and did myself up and have not looked back since.
Vanity is not my thing though, so you will not find any glamour pictures
of me here; nor will you see me as a member of the Vanity or Glamour group.
I am only about being me, I am happy with me and only hope you feel the
same way about you.
TransGender Resources