ittle John's Home Page

Queerdome, such a happy world!

Hello ,and welcome to my little world! Right now I'm trying to set up links between the homepages of University of Wisconsin Stevens Point gay people and surounding area. We have the 10% Society and the Platwood Bar, but not everyone goes to these places. I hope to help create a way for the gay community here at Point to comunicate. It helps all of us to see that we are not alone here. We don't have to know your name, just that you are here and your queer (That's everyone lesbian, gay, and bi-sexual). If you would like to be added to this list of UWSP gay links just send me your Web address via E-mail. I hope to hear from you soon.And remember.....
"May The Rainbow Fly High With Pride!"

Stevens Point Gay Links

UW-stevens Point 10% Society (UPDATED!!)

Pictures of me
In mid dip
Oh... so cute!
Myself and Isabella de la Rosa

Pictues of Friends

Alannah Maeve Aoife MacAindriu & Isabella de la Rosa
Isabella de la Rosa
Bronwyn Angelina of Rivenwood Tower
Dermot Finn MacDaniel
Janos der Wasserman
Janos der Wasserman, a second picture.

Well now that you have some information about the my goal for the page how about some info on me. I am a Psyc. student at UW-Stevens Point, this is my fourth year here. I enjoy camping, hiking, skiing, and especialy sitting around with friends talking over a bottle of wine. Most people describe me as the type that gets along with everyone, for some reason people find it very easy to talk to me. My place tends to be a comunity apartment, there is always people stoping by at all hours of the day to sit and chat It has become like a family away from home. As you can probably tell my friends are very important to me. This year I have also joined a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). It is a group for the reinactment of the middle ages. We do things ranging from fighting to bookbinding depending on your inerests. If you would like to learn more just take a look at the SCA homepage or my page below for links. If you would like to get a hold of me just drop me an E-mail.
I hope to here from you soon!!! Little John

Rand's (m.k.a. Little John) SCA Arts & Science Links!
Our local group,Shire of Falcon's Keep

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since 11/16/95
Last updated 10/6/97
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