Homepage of KOS

Hello and welcome!
The leather pride flag
Thanks for stopping by! Like many New Yorkers, I'm a busy guy. I'm deeply involved in music as a music librarian and a music teacher. I attend classical music concerts and shows (musical, non-musical, Broadway off and on) frequently, and I like engaging in other cultural activities such as visiting museums.
Even though my free time is limited, I'm interested in meeting quality men who are not afraid of their fetish and kinky sides.
I'm a gay male, 46, 5'3", ca. 155 lbs (35 waist), into leather, boots, and radical sex (s/m). I live and work in Manhattan, New York City. I hope you'll find something of interest on these pages and give me feedback.
Sometimes I can be found on Worldleathermen sites as "NYCBootleatherman," on Yahoo messenger as "kosboot" or (less frequently nowadays) on IRC as "kos2" in channels such as #gayboots or #gayleather. I like chatting, so feel free to chat me up. But I much prefer to meet people in person.
Gay Pride Day, 1997, in San Francisco; wearing 17" Chippewa engineer boots.
To see what I'm about and what I'm looking for,
Eventually I hope to be able to cover some topics of interest:
Gay, radical sex and s/m
Personal background stuff
I'm a member of GMSMA (Gay Mens' SM Activists), and have led or participated in a few presentations, including demos, "SM Online," (when being online was "new"), and a special boot program I did with photographer Mark I. Chester. I've also moderated an SM reading group for GMSMA members. Here's an interesting reading list from David Stein.
Visitor statistics since 1997:
Larsen's Leather [R.I.P.]
According to Yahoo, the majority of people who visit this page come looking for "Larsen's Leathers." Indeed, I used to have the catalog of Larsen's Leathers on my site. Mr. Larsen didn't want all the extra business that a dedicated website would generate, but he allowed me to scan his catalogs and put them up here. Sadly, he passed away a while ago. He had a good business and was always extremely courteous to me. He is certainly missed in the leather community.
Here are links to other sites on the Web:
Leather Living In NYC - my blog!
Mark I. Chester is a San Francisco gay radical sex photographer.
Check out his site and his book, Diary of a Thought Criminal.
He is also very much into boots! And practically everything else!
Larry Kenney's HOTBOOTS!!! site
GMSMA (Gay Male SM Activists) of New York City
The Deviants' Dictionary - a wonderful resource
Peter Boot's kink guide to New York City
If you want to write me, go right ahead. Even if you don't live in New York City I like chatting about leather and boots.
©1997-2004 KOS
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