Welcome to My New Escape

Hi there. Okay, so actually it's taking me forever to get this page to where I want it to be. But I have started adding a few things, with more to come in the next month or so. (Yeah, I know I've been saying that for more than a month....I'm still working on it...)

In the meantime, here's a little about me. I grew up on Long Island, went to college at SUNY-Binghamton and grad school at SUNY-Albany. Now I'm in Philly (where even my neighborhood has its own website), working at the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety at Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. But not for long. I'm moving to Mt. Pleasant, Michigan to join the psychology department of Central Michigan University. (Quick update: I actually moved already, a few weeks ago, but haven't had a chance to work on my website lately....)(Another update - now it's been months since I've moved....oh well.....)(Still another update - I've been here for two and a half years now. But it is definitely in my plans to update and renovate this whole site. Yup. Any time that's definitely going to happen....)

Anyway, enough of my moving sagas. Some of the content I plan to add includes music, TV and other pop culture, gay/lesbian resources, women's resources, Jewish resources, women's health info, and psychology info, and links to the pages of people I know (or just whose pages I know and like). So stay tuned...

New Stuff:

Since I keep promising new page stuff, and don't deliver in any major way, I've decided to try to keep track of the little additions here so if you're actually coming back, you can find them more easily.

7/9/04: clearly, it's time for a major overhaul. Any ideas, anyone?

2/4/00: Added a brief update above, after getting just a little too much grief from people recently abt saying I'm still in Philly.

6/21/99: I finally joined the Amazon.Com associates program! Sometime soon I'll be incorporating this into books and music and stuff I like sections, but in the meantime, if you're buying stuff through Amazon.Com, click here. Thanks! In Association with Amazon.com

6/21/99: Oh - I also resized some of the photos in my Family Photo Gallery page. It definitely still needs a lot of work, but at least you can see most of them now.

4/7/99:Hmm...a year has passed since my last update. Oh well. Here are some family photos from my soon-to-come beautifully organized Family Photo Gallery.

4/24/98:Here are some pictures of my mom and her friend Beverly in high school.

4/8/98:Well, only four months later....NEW CHANGE. I updated the Folk Festivals page, to get the dates (and, when available, performers) right for the 1998 season.

12/3/97:Added the URL to New York Magazine's entry in my Virtual Newsstand - they're finally online!

12/2/97: Okay, not quite an update yet, but I did want to let you know that my Xena page is getting awfully close to being done!! Woo hoo!! Keep an eye out for it, coming soon.

11/30/97: Added another entry into my nepotism section, below.

11/4/97: Updated the address for the Potedaia Post Office in my Cards and Stuff page. Time to send more Xena postcards!

9/7/97: Moved the "links to other pages" links to where they fit in on my other pages. Began working on a new page - Miscellaneous Music Links.

9/3/97: In the last week or so, I've updated my moving saga a little bit, added three links to the Cool Useful Stuff page, included a link to my old guestbook, and changed my email address. Oh, and I added the banner that comes next.

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Links to my other pages

My Cool Useful Stuff Page (just the beginning of pages to come!), including My Cards and Stuff Page
My Virtual Newsstand (see, I told you I'd add more stuff)
Causes and Organizations (my website is really growing now!)
Miscellaneous Music Links, which includes It's Folk Festival Time Again!

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