So He asked, "And what is the sea to you?"
I answered, "My life's Breath."
The breath of adventure and excitement,
Of challenge and wandering;
Happiness and fulfillment,
Despair and pain;
Of hope and youth,
Patience and yearning.
The breath that God has breathed into my soul,
that I should live with His sea..
taken from "the Sea"
by Jerome Thomas


The sea folds away from you like a mystery.
You can look and look at it and mystery never leaves it.
-Carl Sandburg

We are tied to the ocean...
When we go back to the sea,
whether it is to sail or to watch it,
we are going back from whence we came...
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild;
when it is quiet and serene;
when it is dark and moody.
And in all these moods, I see myself."
Martin Buxbaum


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The music your are listening to is titled:"Tranquil Serenity " copyright © 2001
by Dave Edwards and is used with permission.

Protect the Earth

Artwork © David Miller

Hi Jo, I hope that you like this gift.
I wanted to make you something special for being such a wonderful friend.
So this is what I wanted to make for you.
Happy Easter!!
Hugs Char
Easter, 2003

A special surprise,from a special friend.