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Welcome To Shawn And Serenne's Homepage

My introduction

Hi!  Everyone who have visited our homepage, I like to thank you for

 your visit and hope that  you will give me any suggestion and

 comment to me  for my first homepage. I like to make friend with any

 one in this world any time . You may  mail to me  below my web page.

            Visit Shawn Tan's homepage

        Some introduction about myself. 

Visit my girlfriend, Serenne Teng's homepage  

My girlfriend, Serenne Teng is a friendly and helpful girl I ever known in my life. I would say that in this world there is no other girl who is willing to share with me happiness , poverty and sadness. Serenne is the only one for me! We have make commitment that we will be faithful and sincere forever. If you want to sell your flat or look for a house, you may email to her by click here



  We have married on 21th October 2000 

Some Favorite Websites

My Country- Singapore 

Nice Screensaver  

Some nice stuff you may like in your desktop                                     

Good software you might wants      

Digital greeting card                              

Digital greeting card 2      

Virtual flower greeting card 

Midi song you want to find          

Listen to some music song  

Some bookmarks might be useful to you

IQ Test   

My favorite star, Ann Kok                



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This homepage is update on 6th December 2000

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