The Real Minty

Minty Goddess Home Page

November 28, 2003...trying again to clean up here -- took off some links, moved stuff around.
If you find any links that no longer work, please let me know so I can get rid of them. I put a map at the bottom of this page so you can put little pins in it showing where you live, and leave a short note there! Please give it a try right now while you are wondering about it. Thanks!

Minty Cooks 4 U! I put some of my families favorite recipes online Nov. 2003. I will be adding more!

Welcome to the Minty site! Inspired by the Altoid story, it is dedicated to women and our goddess energy!
(And recognizes the goddess energy in men...hoping they do/will too.) This is ALWAYS under construction as I'm always finding new sites. I hope it will become a safe place for women and men to gather and share information on getting along...peace and understanding in relationships, RESPECT for eachother, learning, and Fun. (It's time to get along!)
I'm a Gemini butterfly tasting everything I can and sharing what I've found. These are links to various sites for tools we can use to learn and explore together, especially spirituality, sexuality, astrology, metaphysics, etc.
If you have a site to share or comments, please offer suggestions to
I'm off collecting now...check in again soon!

Make a FREE donation of food around the world. Every 3.6 seconds someones dies of hunger; 3/4 of the deaths are children under 5. On the Web, the United Nations` The Hunger Site lets you click on a button, and somewhere in the world a hungry person gets a meal to eat at no cost to you. So, visit the . . . Hunger Site . . . and pass the word.

This site has gone through some changes since I posted this...
This is a neat screensaver that actually does something useful. You can help in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial communication. By downloading this screensaver, your computer analyzes data that has been collected. Go to this site and follow directions for downloading the screen saver. I started a group so please sign up under me, Minty Goddess in the Groups page. I think it would be quite a giggle if the Minty Goddess group was the one to discover intelligent life. You can put the screen to go on blank and it will analyze much quicker. SETI@home has been amazingly successful. 1,500,000 people in 224 countries have downloaded the SETI@home screensaver and together they have contributed 125,000 years of computer time, with the common goal of finding the first sign of intelligent extraterrestrial life. They've been recording data at the Arecibo radio telescope since December 1998, and most of the data through May 1999 has now been analyzed. Now hurry and download it so we can find some intelligent life!

Minty Cooks 4 U! I put some of my families favorite recipes online. I will be adding more!
My son's page!! go check it out and sign his guestbook... or face the wrath of the mintygoddess!!! *S*
Carpenters Local 2067 I am working on the site for the carpenters union. Go check it out!
Kitchen Remodel This page is for those of you who have shared our kitchen remodel tales. Hope you enjoy it! Posted March 14, 2000.

OWN PAGE! Minty's Astrology Page Astrology has it's own page now with lots of links!! I continue to add new links. Please check it out!
These below have not been moved into the page yet.
Mark Andrew Holmes Looks like a real interesting fellow, check out some of his links. Really a variety of topics besides astrology.
May Fifth Planatary Alignment (another site)
astrologynow Transformational Astrology Series by Carol Willis
Asteroids 5 major asteroids by Carol Willis
Dwads (astrology term) by Carol Willis
Robert Hand Archives for the Retrieval of Historical Astrological Texts
Chiron/Pluto conjunction Dec. 30, 1999 Stuff that affected a lot of people.

OWN PAGE! TANTRA/Sacred Sex Minty's Tantra Page Don't open in front of children!

Grateful Dead Logo How it came to be. Bear is a friend of a friend of mine!! Pretty cool!
The Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics a professor at UC Santa Cruz who studies Grateful Dead songs has put up lyrics to Dead songs and some discussion of each one
My friend Wolfgang's site for finding song lyrics
Wolfgang's photos of our trip to Beatlefest March 2002, with his links to my photos.

BirthLove the revolutionary passion of mothering
Light Hearts Pre-Birth Communication and other mysteries of parenthood.

Sagewoman Magazine Celebrating the Goddess in every woman
sample issue of SageWoman Sex Magic: Sacrament of the Goddess
Free Masonry for Women
Lucky Mojo variety of occult, spiritual, mystical, and magical topics.
Dakini Goddess Temple Project Hope & Encouragement:
Sun Angel Sun Angel's Joyful alternatives for spiritual self-help

Tarot readings features different decks
Tarot Girl links to other cool sites too!

Elsa Joy's I Ching free reading
I Ching Wisdom designed for the moderate to advanced student

Number Meaning Tables Correspondences between the numbers in numerology and the Tarot, Astrology, Rune, I Ching, Kabbalah, Shamanism, Alchemy, Auras, Musical Notes and more!
Numberquest free reading
Numerology learn to do your chart & participate in a study
free numerology chart

Indigo Children A new kind of children coming into the world.
Swami Beyondananda's Guidelines for the New MillenniumDecember 25, 1999
Change and You
Paranormal Site (Coral Castle in Florida page) All kinds of neat stuff from angels to Zechariah Sitchen!
Shirley Maclaine

Esoteric Web Link Index from AccessNewAge
SpiritWeb lightwork, meditation, UFO's mysticism, etc
Jean Houston Mystery school
Brian Wilson Beach Boy & Brian's music, info, etc and a wonderful bunch of great people in the chatroom! Where the Altoid Secret Goddess Society meets regularly*S*.
Bagism-John Lennon many of the same chatters as in Brian Wilson chat

pictures and birthdays of the people from the above 2 chatrooms. Peaceday many of the same chatters as in Brian Wilson/Bagism chat
cactus ventures meet joan
Keigh's Place the One who introduced me to Altoids! A sister goddess
Innersource link page
Lennon & Intuition Magic
Sites with Soul be prepared to spend days here!
Free psychic reading with no personal info to give out. Just focus on a question and click on a square.
the 11:11 doorway and what is the 11:11?

new(section below) I got the sites linked finally, just not organized yet. Thanks for your patience!

newFlower essences
new What are flower essences? membership costs but info/intro on site
newREIKI Empowered Flower Essences and Gem Elixirs
new alcohol recovery info
new Alcoholics Anonymous homepage
new Narcotics Anonymous World Services
new Narcotics Anonymous Basic info, what is...?
new Alcohol & substance abuse LOTS of links and resources!! Sites are mini-critiqued and rated. Go check it out!
new Join together: online The free resource center and meeting place for communities working to reduce the harms associated with the use of illicit drugs, excessive alcohol, and tobacco.
new Pagan Paths 12 Step Recovery some interesting alternatives to the usual 12-step approach. There are some anecdotal stories/essays of persons in recovery with a pagan twist to them. One mountain, many paths.
new AL-ANON (and ALATEEN for younger members) is a worldwide organization that offers a self-help recovery program for families and friends of alcoholics
new The Big Page of Information for Survivors Contains links of interest for survivors of incest, child abuse, ritual abuse, drug addiction, and those diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociation). This site was created by a survivor of sexual, emotional, physical, and ritual abuse.
newcrop circle cards
newcrop circle links
new crop circle central
new other crop circle sites
new FAQ to crop circles
new Chatminder Monitor your child's internet use.
new New Thought Movement Home Page
new Metaphysics: Multiple meanings also links
newThe Hundreth Monkey Effect
new Enchanted Mind This site was designed to help anyone, from age 5 to 105, develop their latent creativity and have fun in the process.
newPage's Pearls website devoted to spiritually uplifting links
newCelestine Vision
newTaoism Information website with many links, including: Tao Te Ching, Chuang-tzu, I Ching, Alchemy and Feng Shui, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Chinese Philosophy.
newScience of Mind Change your thinking, change your life
new Religious Science Home page (NOT Christian Science)
new Lori Clark Intuititve readings
new Lori Clark's Tarot cards deck reviews
new Lori Clark Learning Tarot together
newAstrological Software Download The best in Astrological Shareware.
newFlying saucers explained
new Dialectizer Convert English text to...well, you'll see.

new Institute for the Study of Contact with Non-human Intelligence
new Yearning to Merge Love relationships for personal fulfillment and finding God-realization.
new Feng Shui by Joyce
new 30 days of great sex (Jan & Feb articles) Lessons, quizzes.
new create the love and relationships of your dreams
newMorgana's Observatory -- Ancient Prophecies, Universal Myths (Main Page)This is a great site if you're interested in reading about the Hopi predictions, and others too - I believe Nostradamus quatrains are there too.
new Bigfoot Sasquatch Watch
new Dr Andrew Weil's homepage
new St John's Wort Pages/links re: St John's Wort articles at Dr Weil's site:
newQ&A Also in Q&A: A New, Natural Antidepressant?
newDr Weil's booksThere's also a new book that he's recommending, written by a colleague, about alternative medicine/healing practices. "The Best Alternative Medicine" by by Kenneth R. Pelletier, M.D. Very thorough. I think it's available in bookstores now. Here's the webpage of Dr Weil's books, etc
newDid you read the latest St Germain channeling at Isaac's site?
The Spiritlife web address has been changed! The new address is as follows:

Real new, not linked yet, have to copy and paste to go to sites:
cool, got 'em all linked right now. =)

Fun sites and Things to send
computer stupiditiesA funny site!!
Oh My funny cards
The Card Shoppe A place to find a LOT of sites for cards to send!

Coming soon!
Protecting your computer and Virus Alerts!

Chat with me live. Right click and "open in new window."