Heidi McDonald Singer
Unitarian Universalist Association
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Truth Out
A native of Louisville, KY who grew up in Phoenix and spent many years in the Seattle area.
I sing and play piano.
I compose music and poetry:


Stand up, people, stand up
For what you know is true.
Show the world what you believe in
By the things you do.
Stand for peace and justice
In a world that's hatred free.
Stand up tall and stand up proud
And I will stand with you.

Sing out, people, sing out.
Let music fill the air.
With each note your spirit soaring
Leaving every care.
Sing of love and freedom
Your courage now renew.
Sing out loud in harmony
And I will sing with you.

Work hard, people, work hard.
Real joy and widsom gain.
Feed the hungry, house the poor
And comfort those in pain.
Work to make a difference
There is so much more to do.
Put your heart into the task
And I will work with you.

Copyright 1994
My son is the most beautiful little boy in the world.