Can You Please
Help Me Out?

Hi my name is Steve Gose,
some of you know me already.
I'm 33 years old and a
professional truck drive if I can
ever get myself well.

Firstly, a warm hello  to anyone who sees this.
In December 2002 I became physically ill, while working in over the road trucking, and have
not been able to get healed yet from this tribulation. My left shoulder, arm, and left side of
my back went numb on me, the third week of Dec 02, while I was hauling a load of
from Jackson MO to Las Vegas. I had to quit my work for a time while I tried therapy.
Therapy didn't work, and it was looking like I had come down with Lyme disease, because
I have many Lyme like symptoms. My Lyme blood tests have all come back negative.  I have
been to 7 different doctors now. My worst pain now days, is in my legs and feet. Every
my ankles feel like they are broken. It takes all my energy just to make it through the day
around the house.
I am so thankful, that I am at least able to still play my bass guitar and be a part of the
worship group at my church. My illness has caused me daily chronic pain and fatigue ever
since this illness struck. As a result, my financial condition has also become a problem now. I
am grateful that I qualified for state insurance coverage and it has been a God send, as I was
a self employed truck driver, and is difficult to afford my own health insurance. But my
financial health has deteriorated to the point of ruin now, so am in need of alternative help, as
it has been difficult to get any other state/federal help.  My mom and dad are reliant on my
well being, and now my suffering is causing them to suffer financially. So this is where I am
at in a nutshell. I am not looking to heap guilt on people or judge people. Just looking for help.

Me and my blue 1985
Kenworth, at home in Beaver
Bay,Minnesota located on
the beautiful north shore of
Lake superior before I
became ill.

It's no fun in fact it's embarrassing to have to come
to people you know and to total strangers and ask for
financial help, but that's where I'm at if I am in some
way going to save my folks from having to sell there
home or worse yet having the lender foreclose. They
were good enough and trusting enough to use their
home as collateral in there effort to help me secure
the fund's I needed to get my 1999 truck.
Sinse I drove it home in February It as had 97 miles
put on it is parked waiting for me to get well enough  
I hope to get well enough to get back to driving over
the road.