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Welcome to Better Spouses!
This site is intended primarily for the woman who wants to improve her marriage.
The information and techniques described within are tried and tested and will accomplish the following results.

* Improve your husband's attitiude toward  his marriage.
* Assure that your husband behaves morally and faithfully in marriage.
* Break your husband of habits that are detrimental to him, your marriage,or
* Make your husband a more devoted family man, a better husband and a better father.
* Make your husband more cheelful, less cranky, and much easier to live with.
* Assure that your husband does his share of work around the house.
* Increase the intimacy and communication in your marriage.
* Energize your sex life --making it more satisfying for you and your husband.
* Provide structure that will make your husband be more productive, more successful
   and much happier.
* Increase the happiness, satisfaction and security you feel in your marriage.
* Make your husband more romantic and attentive.

It is unbelievably simple to accomplish these things.  But it is not for the faint of heart.  Do you have the stringth to become a BETTERSPOUSE and to help your husband become a betterspouse?  Do you love your husband enough to give him what he really needs?  Do you have courage to empower yourself?  You'll never know until you try and you'll have a lot of fun trying.  Come on in and find out!

You're husband will do anything to please you. If you treat him the way he needs to be treated
Why it
Keep your minds open Ladies.  The key to having a betterspouse is "Domestic Discipline."
How will
I know if
my husband
wants this
            Principles of Domestic Discipline
1. Marriage is the foundation of healthy families and the foundation of a
    just society.
2. Faithfulness of Heart, Mind, and Body to the marriage is essential to
    the promotion of morality in the individual and family.

3. The literature of morality (traditional scripture) is consistent in
    conveying the wisdom that marriage works best when one partner is
    dominant and one submissive in at least some areas.  Full democracy
    is not possible in a marriage.
4. Generally, though not always, the wife is more inclined toward
    faithfulness in heart, mind and body than the husband.  Women, in
    general, are superior to men when it comes to sexual morality
    (This assertion is indisputable if one reviews the data -- which sex is
    more likely to be unfaithful in marriage?  What is the ratio of men to
    women who commit sex crimes and and engage in inappropriate
    sexual behaviors?).
5. Women are, generally, also superior to men when it comes to domestic
    skills and responsibilities (Again, look at the data.  Studies consistently
    show that women do the bulk of household chores even while also
    holding a job).  This is not to say that men are not superior in some
    areas.  We'll get to that later.
6. Because women are superior to men in these areas that are
    fundamental to a good marriage, it is their privilege and obligation to
    take the upper hand in matters sexual and domestic.
7. Marriages that include domestic discipline are happier and more secure
    than those that do not.
8. Domestic Discipline, though rarely openly discussed and
    acknowledged, has been practiced for centuries in committed, faithful
9. Sexual fidelity and morality need not be dull and unimaginative.  When
    domestic discipline is practiced, a lifestyle of sexual fidelity takes on an
    excitement that is unequaled by any sort of promiscuous or immoral
10. Most men understand their need to submit to domestic discipline
     instinctively and are "programmed" from an early age to accept it.  It
     is womankind that needs to be educated about the benefits, pleasures
    and techniques of becoming a dominant wife.
11. Love is the underlying dynamic in relationships that include domestic
    discipline.  Domestic Discipline is not abuse!
12. Domestic Discipline is not S&M, although it uses much of the same
     psychology (as have legitimate religous practices throughout the ages)
     and gains valuable insights from the SM D/s community.  True
     Domestic Discipline, however, is not a fetish.
From those
tried it
To learn more about this wonderful way to improve your marriage,just click on the links on the left side of this page in the order they appear. Questions?  Email me at the link below
What Why Getting started
Moral Hope
Sex Links
Specifics My Story How will I know
email me