If you would like to contact me, feel free to @ cinni2001@yahoo.com
My first name is Farron, middle name is Cinnamon, and most people call me Cinni or Cin. I am a long time ethical vegetarian, I am a big animal lover (they usually make more sense to me than most people), I'm a runner, I play guitar and compose music, love antiques and old things (that's my purple 1935 Chevy Pickup)  I paint, and draw, and create. I also like photography. I often do quite a bit of creative writing, for awhile, then take a break. I have written a fair amount of poetry, some published, some not. I have some listed @ http://www.poemhunter.com/cin-sweet. I have a creative energy, and it seems like I need to occasionally change "mediums"  to be at my most creative. To me I find it all somewhat the same, whether I am composing music, designing things, writing a poem, or painting a picture. Creating is creating!  I am always creating, just often in different ways. 
I love to travel. I have been all over the USA, and also many places throughout the world. One of my favorite places is Yosemite National Park in California. I also love the ocean, and coastline. I'm a native Californian.
Click here to see Some of my Art
A photograph of my beloved doggie Guinevere. She passed away November 20th, 2006.
She was and will always be my very best friend. I loved her dearly.
Along with dogs, 2 of my favorite beings are elephants and whales. I promote and believe in animal causes and groups that fight against animal cruelty and suffering.
Click here to learn about one of my personal favorites,
check out The Late great artist

This is just an ever-evolving site I have maintained over the years.  I mainly use it to let people know what I have been up to, and also to introduce myself and my creations with new people. Some of my work can be found on various online sites, some of which I know about and some not. Within this site you will find songs and music I have composed, some of my poetry, essays, and short stories, some of my paintings and drawings, and I have also included a little autobiographical information as well....all in no particular order........
I like old cars. This is my 1935 purple Chevy truck. I love purple!
Oh yeah, almost forgot, I am a trans-person. It was recently pointed out to me that I failed to mention this fact on any of my online profiles, or sites, or anywhere any of my art or poetry is listed. I was asked if I am ashamed of my "status", or am I living in "stealth". The answer is neither. I am, technically, a post-op transsexual female. So what. Trans people are born, not made, so it is all i've ever known. (I didn't have surgery to change myself, i had it to be myself). To me it really isn't that big of a deal. It isn't like it is the focus of my life, and everything I do revolves around it.  Everyone ever born is unique, and different from everyone else. It just so happens that some people are born transgendered, some transsexual.  Trans people and the people that get to know them understand this, and realize it is just a part of life. It is usually the people that don't even know any trans people that tend to stereotype, hate, try to hurt and discriminate against the trans community. 
I don't mind being trans, and I don't really care who knows. I find that most of the gay, lez, and trans people I have known to be great folks, usually creative, compassionate, interesting and cool.  Lots of the "perfect" and "normal" people are boring and bland.
Some of my dark and dreary poems and song lyrics.