[Thursday, December 18, 2003]
{1:57pm} The saying goes, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." Well this fat lady is singing!!! Hallelujah! I'm done with school for the next month, and I don't miss it one bit. I just took my last final, and again finished a three hour exam in just over one. This time though I'm only taking it pass/fail so it really doesn't matter what I get on the final. I finally got one grade on report card, and it is a pass!! Thats the only good news I got today. Got my letter from Teach For America today... and ouch.. I was burned!! Well, I've stopped singing... stupid program anyway. Now I have to decide where to get my teaching credential. San Francisco or San Bernardino....
[Saturday, December 13, 2003]
{12:54pm} They put up the Astronomy 10 Final online sometime last night. I got 40 out of 75, which isn't good, but the average in the class was 45 our of 75. And he usually makes the average a B, so I probably officially got a C on the exam, but I don't know if that is enough for me to pass the class. I guess I'll find out in a day or two when they officially post the grades. And the batteries for my camera are quickly dying, I don't know if I'm using it too much, or if the batteries just suck. I'll have to try mom's and see what happens.
[Friday, December 12, 2003]
{4:35am} Only 8 hours left till my Astronomy 10 exam and I officially am through with that class. But right now I have a splitting headache and could use some sleep, but I haven't studied enough for the exam, must read... at least so that I have a chance to pass the class. I really don't want to take a science class again next semester! On a happier note I have Adobe Photoshop CS (vs. 8.0) Yeah! After this final I'm going to sleep for a million years, then I'm going to start playing with graphics. Ooooh! And my new digital camera that my gracious father got me for my birthday should be coming tomorrow, so I can have lots of pictures from Christmas and Hawaii in January. Maybe I'll redo the site with gorgeous photos from Hawaii! Wouldn't that make everyone green with envy? Mwuahahaha!
{6:37pm} I can't believe it is still Friday, and I haven't slept yet! Ah well too excited I guess. Before I headed off to my final the FedEx guy showed up with my camera, and I've been having fun ever since. Cut my studying short for the final, and then after I went on a walk through campus. Going to post a few of my first pictures up. Yeah!!! Thank you to my dad who graciously gave this to me as my birthday gift (and I think Christmas as well - but who is complaining?!) It is simple, takes clear digital photos - wait till you see! Ok ok without further ado -
The Walk Behind Dwinelle (the building that house the History, and Slavic Studies Departments as well as several others)
A few trees that fill out the numerous groves on campus.
One of the numerous bear statues that populate the campus, this one was a class gift. (Something that the school is already asking money from me for!)
The main entrance to the campus through Sather Gate, with Sather Tower looming behind.
Of course I've made the images much smaller so that they could easily be downloadable. The originals all are about 10 mb. When I have realy pictures I will probably put some up here (the ones I really like) and the others on a site that is meant to store photos, where you can look at them in albums, as slide shows, download, print or order copies.
[Wednesday, December 10, 2003]
{7:25pm} Wow... look at time fly, faster than the speed of light!! Woa... I wonder if that is true, is time faster than light? Thats a physics question for ya! Well, I'm done with half my finals, I've finally gotten 4 hours of consecutive sleep, and I'm now just starting to stress. Had an interesting conversation yesterday though, about the random ways some people find my site. This one guy IM'ed me and found my site by searching google for information about the orange juice commercial with the rock band. Google had pulled up my site because I mentioned it briefly a few weeks ago, about how I needed my own rock band to wake me up. Nice guy he was. Anywho, or Anyhow - I have another final on Friday, for which I have to learn everything there is to know about Astronomy. And then another final next Thursday for which I get to learn everything there is to know about Oceanography. And then on Friday the 19th I fly home, and forget everything I've learned this semester because none of it was important, little was interesting, and more importantly I'm just sick of school. I'm going to update the site again, once I get Adobe Photoshop 7.0. A friend showed me how to do image maps while he was learning, because he was making this site for a fellow co-worker. So I think I'm going to attempt it, or at least play around with it. And I did upgrade my operating system finally to Windows XP, so I've entered the 21st century.
[Saturday, November 22, 2003]
{8:58pm} We're going to a bowl game!! We're going to a bowl game!! The Big Game was today, which I went to though it took close to 2.5 hours both ways. The important thing though was that I was there to cheer on my team, and it was an exciting game. Well, the first half was kind of dull as Stanford beat up on us 10-0. Cal gave up 3 turnovers in the first quarter, and 5 overall in the game, and Stanford should have won, but they didn't, we whooped them 28-16. Cal had 28 unanswered points until the last 10 seconds of the game, when Stanford scored, and tried to score two points to beat the spread. Silly Stanfordites... "You know it. You tell the story. You tell the whole damn world this is bear territory!" I've had a long long day and now I'm watching the end of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" though I don't know for how much longer because I want to watch "The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers" which I haven't seen all of.
[Friday, November 21, 2003]
{6:01pm} Oh look... I've been neglecting my duties again. Apologies, but I seem to be accused of doing that a lot lately. In fact I have illegally been removed as IT Director from Cal Dems Executive Board, but I was going to resign at the end of the semester anyway. Well, no need to yell at the president again... though I wish I could, yelling at him always makes me feel better, and he is so thick headed that you could tell him the same stuff over and over again and he still doesn't get it. It's like a punching bag, you keep hitting and it barely budges, and it relieves stress! But on a happier note I'm going to see Love Actually tonight because it looks like a cute movie. Oh and I'm off now...
[Saturday, November 15, 2003]
{9:17am} It is Saturday morning and I finally woke up before noon. Seriously, not one day this week have I been awake before noon except for today. I need help. I think I need a rock band to wake me up like in the commercial for orange juice, because this has become ridiculous and pathetic. My friends don't know how I do it, my roommates look down on me, and I don't know how I'm going to pass my classes. I was going to plead with my professors on Friday, but I guess now it will have to wait until Monday. I know I've said this before, and I doubt it will mean much, but it has to... I will wake up for class on Monday, and I will go, and I will be on time.
[Wednesday, November 12, 2003]
{6:13pm} So it is Wednesday again, and what have I done since I got off the plane late Sunday night early Monday morning - sleep, and thats about it. I slept until 3:30pm today... who in their right mind sleeps that late?? I would refrain from sleeping until Thursday except that tomorrow night happens to be my installation into the Order of Eastern Star. One more step in the fraternal masonic order.
[Wednesday, November 5, 2003]
{1:54pm} I slept until 2 again today, which isn't a good thing because I needed to go to class this morning, or at least wake up and do research and pack for my trip tonight. I don't know whats wrong with me. I remember a time in my life where no matter how little sleep I got I dragged myself out of bed to go to class. There was even a time, a very very short time, when I could wake up at 7 am and just get out of bed because I had so much to do, and now, now I'm just pathetic.
{3:08pm} So now I've missed an entire day of class, although I'm going to go to one hour, the last hour, and then I have to buy an umbrella because I don't know where mine is. And I don't know which jacket to take, and how much money and oh lordy, I'm such a wreck, and I no longer fit half of my clothes! I need to lose weight and fast. I probably won't be able to update at all this weekend, depending on whether I can get an internet connection and time, time.... don't tell me, I know I need to stop sleeping. *pout*
{4:44pm} Scratch that... No class at all today, just researching and buying things for the trip. Ack, I still need to pay rent, and oh dear, money is going to be tight this month. Well I already said I wasn't going to buy anything not a necessity so what do I need the money for?
[Tuesday, November 4, 2003]
{5:31pm} It is a good thing I didn't have class today, because I slept until 2. Not that I really wanted to, but I just remember that I woke up at 10 like I wanted to, and I was in the middle of a dream, and the same thing at noon, and then all of a sudden it was 2. Now I'm freaking out because I have to do all this research for my Model UN conference and I'm not nearly prepared enough. I was going to do it last night, but work got in the way. So now it is an hour before I have to give a presentation and I don't know what I'm going to say! Oh dear...