Get Ready for your health     2004
Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is a small tree native to the subtropical highlands from Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.

This evergreen member of the Holly family was introduced to colonizing and modern civilizations by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay and Uruguay.

The drink is brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of this perennial tree.

Yerba Mate is known as the national drink of these countries, and is consumed by millions of South Americans as a healthful alternative to coffee.

This stimulating herbal beverage has the unique ability to wake up the mind without the nervousness and jitters associated with coffee.

Deemed "The Drink of the Gods" by many indigenous groups in South America, and known as "the green gold of the Indios" by folks in Europe, Yerba Mate possesses a multitude of health benefits that have begun to attract the attention of American scientists and consumers.

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