Welcome to Net Sisters guestbook graphics brought to you by the
Graphics Team of the Artistic Committee.
These graphics are for you to take and use in other sisters' guestbooks.
Please feel free to take as many as you would like and
come back often, we will continue to add more!

Guestbook graphics are available in various categories.

First, you must upload your graphic onto your server.
It does not have to be put on any of your pages, just simply uploaded.
Here is an example of a simple code:
Put your own server address and your own graphic name in the code above. Make sure you put
your MAIN address (address without an html page after it.)
If a guestbook can read html, you can put in any html code, such as breaks, and also link
the image to your site.

If you have a special request or would like to
have a graphic personalized,
please complete the request form located
on the
main graphics page.
This site is currently maintained by Ruby Sister Sammylane.
If you have any guestbook graphics to contribute, a great suggestion, or a problem with the site, please
email me by clicking on my name Sister Sammylane
The main graphics site is maintained by
Sister Sammylane.
Please email her with any suggestions and/or
Background Sets, Globe contributions

All graphics © to Tafie's Graphics and Web Page Design. All Graphics have been digitally watermarked. All Graphics are protected by Canadian Copyright Laws. Images have been created for 800 x 600 Screen resolution and 16 bit or better colour.