Welcome to my web page. As you will be able to tell I am in the middle of totaly redoing this website. Alot has changed since I started this site so a lot of information has changed. Some has not.
My name is Cindy Dillon aka Parisa. A 30 year old loving wife and mother of two beautiful children. Robert and Alexis Cheyenne. We live in Michigan with our English Mastiff/St.Bernnard mix Killian.

If you love romance novels and enjoy books written by Julie Garwood then I would love to discuss her book and the characters in them with you. I love to read so I have books from many many Authors.

I now play an online game called World of Warcraft. I have played for a while now. And while I love the game itself, what I love most is the interaction with people around the world. I have made some great and wonderful friends. Friends that I hope to keep with me for the rest of my life.

So now that, that is out of the way feel free to look around and let me know what you think of my site. I never really know what I should put on here so if you have anything you would like to see added just let me know and I will see if I can add it. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your visit.

Place's to visit just out side the Bedroom

My Son

My Daughter

flower angel

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I would like to say a special thanks to LaFem.
For without her this site would not have been possible.
Thanks LaFem.