Hi there!

Wow, 2003 to 2006 have passed, and so has 2007 And we are into March of 2008. This was the entry point to my main index page!

Want to see what I've been up to. I'm finding blogging much more satisfying than maintaining this site, so come visit me at my blogs.

Wirginia's World,, my personal blog or

Wirg's Creative World which is my creative blog.

Due to popular demand, I am republishing my page on how to record your vinyl LP records onto cds via your computer. Thank you to the many who have asked for it to be put back up online. It's a pleasure, and it's no secret on how to do, so long as you have the right rescourses and programs. Have fun with it!! Here's the link to where you will find it:


Because of blatant copying, unauthorised linking and spamming, I have not only put a bar on right click copying but have now decided to take the rest of the site offline indefinately. Just this first page and the Vinyl to CDs will remail until I decide what else if anything, I shall create here. Please email me if have any questions.

You'll find all kinds of ramblings there, so pop over and leave a comment now and then!.

Coogee can be reached on cogeebear@yahoo.com

This document updated 17 March 2008.

PLEASE NOTE: nothing is for download on this page.
Graphics have been hand created and scanned using various methods: Ulead IPhoto Plus, Corel Draw, Paintshop Pro and various craft rubber stamps on cards and artwork I have done. Their creative interpretation is owned by this Webpage's author. Please respect creative talent and do not copy anything. Please be aware that breaching copyright on the internet is illegal in Australia too, not just in the USA.

FYI, CB, CoogeeB and Coogee Bear, Wirg & Wirginia are one and the same, me! My first websites were created July 1996 and have evolved to more than what was on this site. I have now retired this 'Net' name, though I shall still be using it from time to time on special occassions.