If you are looking for the band of the same name....this ain't it.
Try these pages instead...
Updated June 4, 2000
We just started building this site, so don't mind the mess.
Description of Upcoming Topics:
How do we do it in today's society ?
- Dyke Life: Trials and Tribulations, the Ins and Outs, Wanna go spelunking ?
- Lesbians and Bisexuals: The Phat-ist Grrls on the Planet. Literally (no just kiddin)
- And what ever we think of over the next few months: Our goal is to bring forth the issues surrounding Interracial Relationships. We are a lesbian interracial couple. But, we want to keep the focus of this page open to everyone, not just "Homos" (LOL)
- We have started a links page, trying to cover all of our topics listed above. The web is loaded with cool dyke, women, and interracial pages. But how many combine all three? We have spent long, eyepopping hours combing the net for interesting pages. So sit back, take a look, and enjoy the ride.
Our join date:
December 11, 1999 7:21 Texas Time!
If you have questions or suggestions e-mail us here:gluvn_specialsauce@yahoo.com.
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