§ I've made a new link banner to go with this design, so if you have a story here or you believe in the reason for this site, just right-click on the banner and save to your hard drive and place it on your own site, linking back to www.geocities.com/wicca23au
§ A new story has been added. Please, I need your stories. I need your friends stories.
February 2002
§ This is the first time that I've offered a link banner and I think that its about time that I did! Just right-click to save and if you've got a story here or if you'd just like to get the word around about Y.M.O then stick the banner somewhere on your site and link it back here: www.geocities.com/wicca23au
§ I'd also like to ask that if any of you are able to offer hosting, I'd love to get Y.M.O at its own place (no more geosuckies). E-mail me if you can give some assistance or can point me in the right direction.
§ Other than that, Y.M.O is still the same. A few more stories have been added, so take a look. Don't forget to let others know about Y.M.O