<BGSOUND SRC="/stitches72/butterflykiss.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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to my page.
Do you like a celebration?  You will have a blast!  This page was done with a very interesting applet.
Check out my Holiday page.  This page changes on a regular basis as the holidays change so check it often.
Check out my games page.  This page was done with Java codes and is really alot of fun.  Choose from Long Ball (a homerun derby type game), Jatris (just like tetris), Word Search, 3D Driver, or All Lights (very similar to Lights Out). 
Check out my music page and see how good you are at guessing movie and TV theme songs.
Check back for new pages to be added soon.  Of course I will be adding more pictures of Jadon once i get them developed.   And also more pictures of family, vacations, and other things.
Here are my guestbooks.   Feel free to sign either one.
Hello, and welcome to my personal webpage.   Let me introduce myself.   My name is Amy.   I am 33 years old and live in central Pennsylvania.   I drive a school bus.   In my spare time I enjoy bowling, hunting, fishing, shopping, golfing, and of course working on my computer.  Some of my groups dealing with these subjects are linked at the bottom of the page and I would love for you to join them.   You can often find me in the evenings sitting in the game rooms on Yahoo or Pogo.   My son's pictures are linked in here as well.   You can find his picture page linked below if you would like to learn more about him.  My pages are not copyrighted so feel free to use what you like.   All I ask is that you let me know you were here.   Check out my links page for many websites designed to help you create your own page.   In my main page you will find links to all the sites my husband and I have created.   Feel free to browse through them and let me know what you think.   I love getting input on my pages.
Check out my page dedicated to the tragedy that happened in NYC, PA, and Washington DC on September 11, 2001.  It is a compilation of alot of sites, graphics and pictures I have recieved in e-mail.
Here are some links to the Yahoo Groups that I own and moderate!
Here is a link to my Fantastic Fishing Group.  I created this group for anyone and everyone who loves fishing.  We have polls in here for you to participate in, a Big Fish List for you to brag about your greatest catches, lots of photos from members around the world, a Trading Trips table in our database for people interested in swaping fishing trips with other members, and so much more.  Check it out and feel free to post your hints and tips as well as your questions.
This is Jadon's picture page.  I just put a whole bunch of pictures in there so please check it out. Lots of new pictures have been added.
Check out my Hunting America group which I also founded.  Participate in polls, trivia questions, group chats, and much more!  Brag about your hunting adventures or post your hints and tips!  Feel free to come on over and check it out!
For all of you who love to garden wether it be flower gardening or vegetable gardening or something else, this is the place for you.  We have hints and tips, links to some great gardening websits, polls, and much more.
This is the newest group I have created.  It is my group for all those of us who love crafting.  The group centers around plastic canvas, but all types of crafting discussions are welcomed here.
All of these groups now feature monthly contests with real prizes!!!
You need Java to see this applet.