~*Welcome To My Home...Hope you enjoy ! *Smile*~

I live in the Hi-desert of California.
It's a small town with plenty of fresh air & clear skies.
But what I love best is the quiet solitude, with only the sound of nature..
I feel like I'am out in the wilderness
on a luxury camping trip and never want to leave :)
I plan on staying here forever!
In the past I have traveled all over Europe.
Next year I plan on traveling within the U.S.A. more extensively.
But I'm a homebody and love it at home!

I choose my name*DurangoGirl* because I drive a Durango.
Yes I need that type of a SUV for driving off the road.
That is one of my favorite things to do, is exploring!
There are some great places around my area just for that too.

*My Love Of Cookin' And Food*

Well What can I say?...Except I do love to cook just about anything!...
And I might add I'am a darn good cook at that!
Sorry, but I can't be shy when it comes to my cookin'!LOL
I enjoy all kinds of food...Chinese is one of my favorites!
But good ole American Crusine is a favorite too
I cook a *mean* marinated filet mignon
With sauteed mushrooms in a brandy sauce
And a Caesar salad; I'm the salad expertise' my family says :)
I cook authentic Mexican food that will knock your socks off!
And French food is one favorite I enjoy also....
Did I mention Wine is the Nectar of the God's?? LOL

Music is what makes me happy...sad...thoughtful!
AND helps me to take the time,
to "Stop And Smell The Roses"!
I enjoy so many forms of music...I'd say the tops with me are:
*Oldie's But Goodies*

*Rock n Roll*

*The Blues*

*New Country*

*New Age*


*Some Alternative*

~*A Little Bit More*~

Well you know that I live in California,
and just North of Palm Springs(shop til ya drop heaven)...
I'm a single lady
also, and have been for the last 12 years ! I was born on July 21st and I'm a Cancer, but right on the cusp of Leo!
So...I'm a nurturing MotherEarth and yet, can roar like a Lion, if taken advantage of!
I'm very *independent*...And do not like *ANY* kind of control and dishonesty !
I'm emotional and very loyal to those I love ...And would do Anything in the world for my kids :)
My home is my Castle and then some!
I enjoy interior designing and now have went crazy over HTML ! LOL...
When you walk into my home it is a reflection of me...
Artsy...Vibrant...Frill...AND *Pink* !
As you can see how I designed my bedroom below...pink...pink...pink LOL

I have a serious side and am proud to be a Republican!
I couldn't be happier about the 43rd President! George W. Bush! *smile*
My favorite news show and the only non-biased one I watch is Fox News...love The Bill O'Reilly Show! Recommend to all to watch this very wise and HONEST man! We be adding more soon! Thanks for visiting a bit more about me :-)

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*Song Playing "Xanadu"*
Because that's where I live!

<bgsound src="/Wellesley/Gazebo/8146/xsong.mid" loop=infinite>