I love to send cards online. No waste and no stamp required! Here are some of the great sites I've used or collected. If you have one that is not shown please send it to me and I'll add it to the list!
Blue Mountain Art's Electronic Greeting Cards
Virtual Flowers Home page
Create A Free Electronic Greeting Card!!
Candystand Homepage - Lifesavers greetiing cards
Send an iPostcard to a friend
The Park virtual flowers shop
REGARDS.COM FREE Electronic Greeting cards - Holiday cards - Greeting Cards
Awesome Cyber Card's main page. Awesome greeting cards, postcards, love cards, Musical and non-musical
Puter School and Angel's Cyber Cards
The IFLOWERS Virtual Gallery - Free Virtual Flowers
Barry's Digital Postcards
Creative Cards
Cafe Greetings Links
Savannah NOW: Savannah Morning News on the Web - Postcards
A Touch of Country - Baby
FUN Frame - PC Flowers and Gifts
Pet Lovers Postcards
Come See What's Inside, the main page

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