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My project, resume and other information.
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Lots of sports related info. and collections.
Ballpark Trip
The footprints to the fields of dreams.
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Selected from my favorite photographs.
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The place to record some thoughts and footprints.


What's New?
  • Ballpark trip: White Sox / U.S. Cellular Field 之旅
  • Ballpark trip: Brewers / Miller Park 之旅
  • Ballpark trip: 黑人聯盟棒球博物館之旅 Negro League Baseball Museum
  • Ballpark trip: A's Class A: Banner Island Ballpark 之旅
  • My Running Page
  • Do You Know...
    Free Gear?

    Ever wonder who pays for the tools of the trades for the athletes? The team provides most. The Atlanta Braves spend up to $200,000 per year on uniforms alone. One player may use as many as 120 bats a year. At $35 a piece, this can cost a team up to $4,200. MLB does have sponsorship deals with suppliers, which greatly reduces their expenses. Many athletes have their own endorsements as well. Shaquille O'Neal for instance wears a new pair of size-22 shoes every game.

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