"Hi! You've reached my page. I can't come to the computer right now, but if you leave your name, number and a brief message, I'll be sure to call you when I'm in............."

Oh hi...I would have picked up if I had realized that it was you...

Well welcome to my humble abode. Sorry things are messy, but I just moved in. Just push some of the stuff on the couch aside and sit a spell.

So what can I help you with?

Well just check out the menu I have below, and point and click to where you want to go.

Oh yeah.....Almost forgot. My name's Kelly Perdue and I live in Durham, North Carolina. I have been married for four years to a wonderful man and we have a beautiful 19 month old daughter. I am a seventh grade science teacher in Granville County, North Carolina. This is my fourth year teaching and I graduated in 1995 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (GO HEELS!)

I have also compiled a page of teacher education resources that may be helpful, they certainly have been useful to me.

But anyway....enjoy my other links (I have), and if you have any questions just e-mail me at unc95kel@mindspring.com.

See ya' around!


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My Really Cool Links

The Daily Tar Heel

TarHeel Sports Network


The Jimmy V Foundation

The Simpsons

Calvin and Hobbes

ESPNET Sports Zone

The Atlanta Braves

Page O' SPAM

Monty Python

Bloom County

My husband made me put this here.

Cow Web Pages

Muppet and Sesame Street Links

Dr. Seuss Link

PBS ONLINE for kids

wonderful people have been at my site! Ha Ha Hah!

This page was last updated Jan. 12, 1999

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